Name: Circe MacClery

Age: 13

House: Gryffindor

Pet: A white Persian cat named Maureen. Maureen is two years old and tends to go absolutely nutters at times. Maybe because it was given to her by her Aunt Patricia, who Circe is convinced is nutters.

Physical Description: At five foot and one hundred pounds, she's a rather short girl and is of average build. Her black hair is slightly wavy and reaches the middle of her back. It's rather limp at times, which Circe blames on her mother, even though it doesn't bother her for the most part. Her eyes are blue-gray color and are almost almond shaped, yet rounded at the same time. Like her hair, her eyebrows are dark, thin, and highly arched.

Personality: Circe is a rather odd girl, but still has the qualities of a Gryffindor. She's a very brave and courageous girl who never backs down, regardless of the consequences. She also tends to be very talkative around her friends, but quiet around others. She has a high distaste for prejudice and close minded people. Circe also is a very confident girl, not caring what other people think of her.

History: Circe was born on a snowy March day to pure blood parents, Simon and Angeline. Simon and Angeline raised Circe not to be like her ancestors, who were prejudice towards Muggles and Half-bloods. Circe was the only child born to the couple. The family has been residing in London ever since Circe's birth and have been working on the first floor of St. Mungo's Hospital. Circe has been exposed to the magic world ever since she was born, with great knowledge in the field of Magical Creatures. Her ethnic background consists of British, Irish, and Bulgarian roots. The British comes from both sides of her family, while the Bulgarian comes from her mother's and the Irish from her father's.


Angeline MacClery- Circe's mother, an awfully loud woman who tends to be dead out rude sometimes. Sometimes reminds Circe of her insane nana.

Simon MacClery- Circe's father, rather shy at times, the opposite of Angeline. A very nice guy who has many friends, Circe is often forced to befriend Simon's friends' children.

Patricia Kavanagh- Circe's nutters, overly dramatic aunt. She's nice for the most part, but can start crying for now particular reason. Simon's sister.

Cian Kavanagh- Circe's uncle who also tends to be quite nutters at times.

Maura Kavanagh- Circe's somewhat normal cousin. She's ten years old and tends to be pretty cool at times. Circe doesn't like the fact that Cian insists on sending her to Durmstrang.

Vasilka "Nana" Mueller- Circe's nutters nana, absolutely nutters. She's a rather bitter woman who almost blew up the house while showing Circe how to make a potion.

Dmitri Mueller- Circe's uncle, who her Aunt Patricia has a grudge against. He's not nutters like Patricia, but he tends to lock himself in the bathroom during family gatherings after arguing with Patricia.


Robyn Sneider-Third year Gryffindor in Circe's dorm. Circe's parents know her parents. Circe's known her for a long time and thinks of her as one of her best friends. Like Circe she tends to be rather...odd.

Catherine Chen-Another third year Gryffindor in Circe's dorm and one of her best friends.

Kora Reidle-A fifth year Gryffindor who is close friends with Circe. She tends to be a tad too cheerful for Circe's likings, but other than that they're good friends.

Briella Sheridan- A fifth year Slytherin, in fact the only Slytherin that Circe is friends with. She's almost like a big sister to Circe, even though they haven't known each other for too long.

Anne Karel- Another one of Circe's dorm mates who she is friends with. They get along pretty well together.

Note: Circe MacClery is a character I play at a Harry Potter role playing game. If you wish to join the URL is
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