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Charms Class

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Welcome to the Charms Class II of ~The Three Broomsticks~ Guild. I am your teacher, Professor xevil_lil_angelx. I'll teach this class the best I can. Hope you do well.

We will be working on curses this week students. The unforgivable curses mostly, i will set out 5 questions, worth 10 points each. I hope to see the homework fist thing on my desk by next saturday moring. You can send me the homework by e-mail, and be sure to include your username and house.

Questions -

1. The spell Imperio does what exactly?
2. What does the Curse of Avada Kedavra do?
3. What would happen if someone aimed a spell at you, while chanting Crucio?
4. What does the Charm Aparecium do?
5. What is the French translation of the charm Morsmordre?

This is worth a total of 50 points to your house, when you send in your homeowrk, please send it in by e-mail to the address below, and be sure to include your username and house.

e-mail address -