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Kimberly Sullivan
Kimberly Sullivan

Kimberly Jessica Sullivan was born on November 20, 1982 to a witch Lisa and a muggle Greg Sullivan. Growing up in Manchester, Kimberly was around muggles her entire lifetime and rarely if ever went into the wizarding world. While she was a toddler she was constantly ill and was on heavy medications that made her hyper. Her parents believe that all the medicine is the reason why Kimberly began to talk constantly.

By the time Kimberly turned 5 years old she had recovered from illness and was well enough to begin attending muggle schools. Throughout her schooling Kimberly was always a capable student. However she was extremely lazy and thus never did well and developed very poor work habits. Despite her parents pleas and their incentives Kimberly never was able to do well in school. Her father tried to get her involved in playing soccer, however that quickly faded as Kimberly hated sports and didn't like any sort of physical activity.

Shortly before her 11th birthday a strange owl dropped off a letter for her. Kimberly immediately knew what it was and was overjoyed to be going to Hogwarts. After seeing her mother using magic for years she was eager to set to work learning it for herself. In her first year she was sorted into Hufflepuff. During her first year at Hogwarts Kimberly found the classes extremely difficult and the fact that she had poor work habits didn't help any. Despite the fact that she talks too much, Kimberly did manage to make a few friends though including her best friend, a fellow Hufflepuff named Cassie Harper.

Now as she returns to Hogwarts for her fourth year she feels more confident and is hoping to improve her academics as well as her social life. She is also looking forward to continuing Quidditch. Though she hates physical activity, Kim rather enjoys Quidditch and flying around on a broom, which she doesn't consider to be exercise.

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