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Calleo Bricriu

Name Etymology:
Calleo: Latin. Knowing.
Bricriu: Mythological name. The Poison Tongued.
Height: 172cm (Roughly 5’8”. With shoes.)
Weight: 61kg (Roughly 136lb)

Appearance: For a male, Calleo is rather short; this is something with which he takes no issue. He has a rather average build, nothing spectacularly muscular or thin. Calleo likes to think that he’s rather graceful, and to an extent he is; however, when he gets overly excited about something he can be rather clumsy. His mum gave him the nickname “Irish Setter”, despite the fact that they are Scottish, due to the colour of his hair. Irish Setters, for those reading who may be unaware, have a deep mahogany coat.
Calleo’s eyes are hazel, leaning toward the yellow/green end of that spectrum. In school, Calleo is fastidious about his appearance; he’s always certain to have his school robes and clothes wrinkle and dirt free, and is always clean shaven and well groomed.
On weekends and holidays he’s a bit more laid back about such things.

But, not much.
Outside of a formal school setting, Calleo’s dress is typical of Wizarding society: Robes. Calleo does wear clothing under his robes, and it generally consists of black or grey trousers and a neutral coloured shirt. One would not notice this around school much, as Calleo tends to wear his robes and keep them closed.
He speaks with a rather thick Scottish accent, and speaks quickly.

Personality: Calleo is, in a word, a charmer. He has found that he can use wit and intelligence coupled with fairly decent looks to his great advantage, and will do so if he feels it will benefit him or if he feels it will be able to further his studies.
He appears, for the most part, to be a gregarious, friendly, and outgoing person.
Calleo’s sense of humour is nearly always present, even in serious situations. He is not fond of practical jokes, and instead leans toward word games, puns, plays on words, and other cerebral humour.
If left to his own devices, however, he will withdraw into his studies and become nearly oblivious to the world outside. Calleo is very fond of chess, and will play with anyone who offers.
Calleo takes his schooling extremely seriously, and would not even consider entertaining the thought of possibly imagining skiving off from class or classwork. He enjoys all of his classes, even those at which he does not excel, simply because it gives him a chance to expand his intellect and experiences if only on paper. He spends most of his time between classes in the library.
Calleo performs best in Transfiguration, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts and Arithmancy. Transfiguration, by far, is his best subject.
He has acceptable marks in Herbology and Astronomy. Calleo would prefer not to speak about the marks on his Potions Practicals, though he’s more than happy to brag about the marks on his Potions Theory work.
Muggle Studies, Divination and Ancient Runes are classes which Calleo feels to be beyond worthless. Calleo has the penchant for studying Dark Arts texts under the guise of Arithmancy; this habit has its fires fed by his parents. When he cannot have his Arithmancy texts at school, he will go to great lengths to secure passes to the Restricted Section of the library.

Calleo enjoys recreational Quidditch, but has not bothered to try out or play on any teams. Assuming it does not interfere with his studies, he regularly attends Quidditch matches while at school. When he plays recreationally, he prefers to take the position of Beater. Calleo owns a Comet 260 broom, and on the subject of flying things, he also owns a female barn owl named Silva (etm: from the forest).
Calleo tends not to keep friends in a traditional sense of the word. He is most interested in broadening his own knowledge and horizons and acquaintances are good for such things. Calleo is not shy about having such ‘friends’ outside of his own House if he feels they may be somewhat useful to him.
For the few that he does count among friends, he is protective almost to a fault and does not tolerate them being slighted, misused or otherwise mistreated by others.

He is not at all fond of Muggle influences on the Wizarding world, and looks upon Muggles, Muggle things, Wizarding folk who see fit to dress and/or act as Muggles, and to an extent non-Pureblood Wizarding folk with disdain.
If possible, Calleo will not associate with such people.
However, if he feels the situation at hand would best benefit him, he is able to very effectively ‘fake’ friendship with such people.

When forced to keep such company, he is agreeable but may be somewhat icy and much more reserved than usual. Calleo was raised to be polite, and to never be overtly rude even if provoked, so he will not go out of his way to be snide, vicious, acerbic or all out rude.  He will not allow himself to be provoked into fights or scuffles, as such things would be a black mark on his academic record. If he is unable to talk or walk his way out of a situation, he will fight back, but he would prefer not to do any such thing. Calleo feels that physical fights are the tool of the less intelligent.

Familial Background: Calleo comes from a Scottish Pureblood family; they are, like most other Pureblood families, not truly pure at all. The Bricrius simply disregard or ‘scratch off’ the impure sections of their family line and pretend as though they do not exist. Calleo’s parents were and are supporters of the Dark Lord, though neither of them are Marked. Though the family is not extraordinarily wealthy, they will help out the Cause financially when possible, and otherwise offer support in the form of passive resistance to the Ministry, smuggling and hiding Dark artifacts, texts, and when necessary they will engage in the hiding, protection or trafficking of His followers and faithful. Their house is well warded and well trapped, and the family would not think twice about allowing the Dark Lord to use it as He saw fit should the need arise.
Calleo’s disdain toward all things Muggle comes directly from his parents, and he sees nothing wrong with their view or their loyalties. He has spoken with his parents about the possibility of offering himself to the Dark Lord once he leaves Hogwarts; for now they have suggested he instead take the time, if at all possible, to further his studies so that he may prove to be more useful than ‘average’ to Him.

Calleo’s father, Thrasius (etm: bold), holds a mid-level position in the Ministry in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes on the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad. Thrasius is of average height and is built a bit like a brick wall. Stocky and square. He has the same colour hair as his son, and has deep brown eyes. Thrasius is outgoing, charming, and likes to think of himself as handsome. He rarely has a difficult time convincing others to see things his way, though on occasion a few galleons slipped into an official’s pocket does help keep the wheels greased.
Though he’s nearing the age of fifty, he wears his graying hair tied back against his neck. His day to day dress consists of robes that are either black or muted colours, such as greys, browns, or deep reds and blues.
Thrasius adores Quidditch, both as a spectator and as a player; he is not happy if he’s sitting still and is always active either mentally or physically, but preferably both.

Calleo’s mother, Beathas neé Aulaire (etm: wise // well spoken ), is on the Committee On Experimental Charms and works along side Gilbert Whimple. She enjoys her work as it allows her to forever keep her thin face glued to a book or three dozen. His mother is actually taller than his father by a good two inches. Her general figure is non-existent; whether this is because she tends to wear shapeless, flowing robes or because she really is built like a pre-pubescent boy, Calleo does not know (nor does he care to find out).
Beathas sports bright red, almost orange, and extremely curly hair. She usually charms her hair to make it behave, but if she is running behind or needs to have all of her energies focused elsewhere, she simply braids it to keep it out of the way. She has the habit of storing quills and an extra wand in her hair. Beathas’ eyes are the same greenish/hazel as her son’s. She is as gregarious and outgoing as her husband and child, and dresses in bright (but still tasteful, goodness, the woman isn’t colourblind!) coloured robes.


Personality Tests: I’ve decided to include these to give a little more insight into the type of person Calleo is.

The Ennegram Institute puts him at an even split between Type 2, Type 3, and Type 7.


Keirsey Temperament ENTP -- Extraverted Intuition Aided By Thinking


ENTP's wish to exercise their ingenuity in the world of people and things. Found in about five out of every hundred people, ENTP's extravert intuition; thus they deal imaginatively with social relationships as well as physical and mechanical relations. They are very alert to what is apt to occur next, and always sensitive to possibilities.


ENTP's are good at analysis, especially functional analysis, and have both a tolerance for and enjoyment of the complex. Usually enthusiastic, ENTP's are apt to express interest in everything, and thus are a source of inspiration to others, who find themselves caught up by the ENTP's enthusiasm. This type is delighted over many things and so is easy to please, often showing the effervescence of their NF counterpart, the ENFP. The ENTP is the most reluctant of all the types to do things in a particular manner just because that is the way things always have been done.


They characteristically have an eye out for a better way, always on the lookout for new projects, new activities, new procedures.


ENTP's are confident in the value of their pursuits and display a charming capacity to ignore the standard, the traditional, and the authoritative. As a result of this open attitude, they often bring a fresh, new approach to their work and their lives. The


ENTP is a keen judge of the pragmatics of both the social and the mechanical, and may become expert at directing relationships between means and ends.


Where the introverted NTP sees design as an end in itself, the extraverted NTP sees design as a means; the end is the invention that works, the prototype that is replicable. Ideas are valuable when and only when they make possible actions and objects. "It can't be done" is a challenge to an ENTP and elicits a reaction of "I can do it." They are not, however, the movers of mountains as are the INTJ's. Rather, the faith of the ENTP's is in their ability to improvise something, and they display an unusual talent for rising to the expediency of a situation. Superficially, ENTP's resemble ESTP's in their "daring to do." But the focus of the ENTP is on the competency and the sense of power this gives, rather than on the feeling of freedom of action experienced by the ESTP.


ENTP's can be fascinating conversationalists, able as they are to follow the complex verbalizations of others. They may deliberately employ debate tactics to the disadvantage of their opponents, even when the "opponents" are close associates and valued friends. ENTP's are the most able of all types to maintain a one-up position with others. They value adaptability and innovation and thus respond quickly and adeptly to another's shifting position. They may even be several jumps ahead. The ENTP, talkative and motivating, is often the life of an enterprise. The ENTP can be an entrepreneur and cleverly makes do with whatever or whoever is at hand, counting on ingenuity to solve problems as they arise, rather than carefully generating a detailed blueprint in advance. A rough draft is all that an ENTP needs to feel confident and ready to proceed into action, counting on the ability to improvise as a situation develops. Because of this tendency to depend on ingenuity and improvising, they may neglect very necessary preparation at times. After repeated failures in situations where improvising has met with defeat, the ENTP may develop ways of avoiding such situations as a substitute to thorough preparation.




ENTP's can succeed in a variety of occupations, as long as the job does not involve too much humdrum routine. At this point, they become restless. If a project in which they are engaged is no longer challenging, they tend to lose interest in that project and fail to follow through - often to the discomfort of colleagues.


Seldom are ENTP's conformists. ENTP's enjoy outwitting the system and use rules and regulations within the system to win the game - whatever it may be. They understand well the politics of institutions and deal with these realities very well, always aiming to understand the people within the system rather than to judge them. ENTP's are good at innovative projects and can administer them well if dull routine is not involved. They usually are outstanding teachers, continuously devising new participative ways to make learning exciting for the students. As an employee, an ENTP may work against the system just for the joy of being one-up. For ENTP's, to be taken-in, to be manipulated by another, is humiliating; this offends their joy in being masters of the art of one-upmanship. ENTP's are the natural engineers of human relationships and human systems. Their good humor and optimistic outlook tend to be contagious, and people seek out their company.




As mates, ENTP's tend to create a lively living environment. They are gregarious, laugh easily and often, and are typically in good humor. Orderliness in the routines of daily living is not apt to inspire them; they usually solve this problem by mobilizing those around them. Tom Sawyer illustrated this talent when he solved the problem of getting Aunt Polly's fence whitewashed. Life with ENTP's is likely to be a daring adventure; they can lead families to physical and economic dangers. ENTP's improvise to remain unaware that they do not have the necessary knowledge of the situation to ward off such dangers.


If the mate of an ENTP is not competitive, he or she is likely to find the one-up/one-down transactions somewhat wearing. If the mate is competitive, the result might be conflict. Although usually good providers of economic necessities, ENTP's at times engage in brinkmanship with their careers, placing them in jeopardy and behaving as if unaware of the consequences; they may thus offer unnecessary challenges to those who have power over their professional success. When challenges elicit negative responses from superiors, ENTP's are apt to react with delight at having an opportunity to improvise a solution to the crisis and, more often than not, they succeed in doing so.





At mid-life ENTP's can allow their tendency to experiment recklessly to get out of hand and may destroy or discard the work of half a lifetime, both in personal relationships and in careers. Energy spent in sorting out priorities and values may be a good investment at this time. Developing an increased awareness of emotional reactions and expanding the intensity and range of these through self-development work may be something ENTP's might want to consider at mid-life. An increased repertoire of introverted-type activities; for example, gardening, painting, or reading may be a source of pleasure to ENTP's.


Arithmantic breakdown of his name:


Character Number: 2 – “Two represents interaction, two-way communication, cooperation, and balance. Twos are imaginative, creative, and sweet natured. Peace, harmony, commitment, loyalty, and fairness are characteristic. But two also introduces the idea of conflict, opposing forces, and the contrasting sides of things: night and day, good and evil. Twos can be withdrawn, moody, self-conscious and indecisive.”


Heart Number : 6 – “Six represents harmony, friendship, and family life. Sixes are loyal, reliable, and loving. They adapt easily. They do well in teaching and the arts, but are often unsuccessful in business. They are sometimes prone to gossip and complacency.”


Social Number: 5 – “Five is the number of instability and imbalance, indicating change and uncertainty. Fives are drawn to many things at once but commit to none. They are adventurous, energetic and willing to take risks. They enjoy travel and meeting new people but may not stay in one place very long. Fives can be conceited, irresponsible, quick-tempered and impatient.”


Calleo’s Birthdate: Calleo was born on August 7th, 1959.

The Power of Birthdates, Stars & Numbers has the following to say about those born on August 7th.

Idealistic, hardworking, and charming, you are charismatic, though reserved, with sound common sense. This birthday reveals you to be an artistic or creative Leo, with a kind heart and a strong sense of duty.
The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Sagittarius, suggests that while you are usually frank and honest and a supporter of the less fortunate, there is a danger that in your dealings with others you may adopt a self-righteous or arrogant tone.
Your optimism and grand dreams are your motivating force and relate to your active and constructive mind. You may, however, need to develop a more realistic approach and overcome a tendency to be either overly optimistic or to harbor self destructive thoughts. Among your many attributes is your ability to think in broad terms and be very persuasive.

Balancing between motivation and inertia, you desire success and prosperity, but without the right kind of support you may become easily discouraged or drift aimlessly, until something or someone sparks your imagination. By practicing patience and persistence and keeping a positive mental attitude, you are guaranteed to achieve your objectives and well-earned success.

After the age of fifteen when your progressed Sun moves into Virgo, there is an increased need for practical order in your day to day existence. You will be more inclined to analyze things and look for ways to restructure and improve your life. This continues until the age of forty five, when your progressed Sun enters Libra. As a turning point for you, this highlights the growing importance of relationships, creativity, and harmony. When you are age seventy five your progressed Sun enters Scorpio, emphasizing the importance of personal power and transformation.


Your Secret Self: Because you are confident and compassionate, others often turn to you for support and encouragement. While you can give good advice, you may sometimes find it hard to practice what you preach. Creative and intuitive, you have a strong need for self-expression, which helps you build faith and confidence and is an outlet for any possible frustration or disappointment with yourself or others. Generous and warm-hearted, you genuinely care about people, and once you have set your mind on a goal, you can be very determined.

You may have to guard against lethargy or becoming too fixed. This may leave you resting in some comfortable and easy routine but does not challenge you to achieve your full potential. An interesting combination of humanitarianism and a desire for the luxuries of life may stimulate you to make your grand dreams a reality.


Work and Vocation: Since you are friendly and charming and have the ability to speak out, you are able to excel in occupations that use people skills, such as in sales, agencies, or promotion. Your excellent mind and good organization skills can attract you to business, where you are likely to become interested in large enterprises. The world of theater and entertainment can also be an area where you prosper, making the best of your natural talent for performing. Alternately, having a desire for the truth and a philosophical approach to life may draw you to law, the clergy, or metaphysics. Since you can combine a flair for dealing with people and supporting the underdog, you may wish to fight for good causes.


Numerology: Analytical and thoughtful, number seven individuals are frequently critical and self-absorbed. With constant need for greater self awareness, you enjoy gathering information and may be interested in reading, writing, or spirituality. Although shrewd, you may overrationalise or get lost in detail. A tendency to be enigmatic or secretive suggests that at tiems you feel misunderstood. The subinfluence of the number eight month indicatst hat you are are ambitious, with good business sense. Although you usually do not like to get into debt, you need to learn how to manage your financial affairs. A desire to enjoy the good life suggests that you need something to motivate and inspire you; otherwise you can be in danger of drifting or becoming stuck in a rut. Willing to work hard for success you often attract opportunities that can be lucky if traveling to foreign places.

Positives: educated, trusting, meticulous, idealistic, honest, scientific, rational, reflective.

Negatives: concealing, deceitful, unfriendly, secretive, skeptical, nagging, detached, unfeeling, sensitive to critcism.


Chinese Astrology: He’s a pig. People born in the Year of the Pig are chivalrous and gallant. Whatever they do, they do with all their strength. For Boar Year people, there is no left or right and there is no retreat. They have tremendous fortitude and great honesty. They don't make many friends but they make them for life, and anyone having a Boar Year friend is fortunate for they are extremely loyal. They don't talk much but have a great thirst for knowledge. They study a great deal and are generally well informed. Boar people are quick tempered, yet they hate arguments and quarreling. They are kind to their loved ones. No matter how bad problems seem to be, Boar people try to work them out, honestly if sometimes impulsively. They are most compatible with Rabbits and Sheep.

Additional Character Info

Hooray for name analysis sites!

The name Calleo makes you extremely generous. You have a bubbling, spontaneous nature and a happy-go-lucky outlook which helps smooth the pathway of life. Also you are sympathetic to the needs of others. Interested in art, music, singing, dancing, and anything of an artistic nature, you could become a very fine performer. Your spontaneous expression stands you in good stead during arguments or debates, though you are perhaps too outspoken and inclined to sarcasm.

While the name Calleo creates the urge to be self-expressive and happy, we point out that causes a scattered and emotional nature.

The name Bricriu has given you the vision and foresight to be able to organize others and to hold positions of responsibilities with poise and self-confidence. This name creates an optimistic outlook on life and favourable conditions in your personal affairs. You have the ability to express your thoughts and ideas, and you are friendly, likeable, and generous.

The name Bricriu creates the urge to be self-expressive and responsible, but it can cause an argumentative, impulsive, and extravagant nature.

Birthdate: 7th August, 1959.

House: Ravenclaw

Alignment: Outwardly neutral; whether his opinion shifts one way or the other depends solely on with whom he is currently keeping company.
Underneath it all, he's a bit of a Purist as he was raised in that sort of environment, and is a silent supporter of He-Who-Abuses-Hyphens. By silent, I mean exactly that. Silent. He does not discuss politics at all, if possible, outside of his immediate family. At best, it's passive support in the sense that he wouldn't lift a finger to stop them. On the other hand, he wouldn't lift a finger to help either. Calleo's politics are, in his opinion, nobody's business but his own.

Other miscellaneous personality traits:

If asked to join others for a night out, a get together, or anything of the like he'll gladly accept, but left to his own devices he simply sits by himself and reads.

Calleo's best subject in school is Transfiguration, and aside from curling up with a good book, he likes to 'play' a bit with his favourite aspect of magical studies. Generally, all this means is him sitting with his feet propped up on his desk while absently transfiguring bits of scrap paper into various...things...that may or may not be capable of moving. You know how some people, if given a Slinky, sit and move it back and forth from hand to hand, over and over and over and over and over?
That's a bit like what he does with transfig, only there are no slinkies involved.

Personality: In very short terms: Very upbeat, active, always grinning like an idiot, playful, a terrible, terrible (and sometimes I mean that literally) flirt that never goes beyond verbal flirtations, and rather easygoing.

In more detailed terms:
Outgoing, charming, animated, friendly, rarely uptight even under high stress unless dirty or sticky things become involved, laughs easily, and though he does enjoy being a bit of a social butterfly he's just as pleased to spend time alone reading, researching, studying, taking his own notes, and experimenting with anything relating to Transfiguration or Charms. Calleo is also very patient when it comes to students who are struggling; he never loses his temper and rarely raises his voice.
Shouting, after all, never solved anything.
He also has a high interest and skill level in the Dark Arts and their Defence due to his upbringing, but he keeps that out of school as much of it is illegal.
Calleo is highly intelligent, but can be lacking in common sense.

He is borderline obsessive about personal hygiene and dress standards will frequently go up to other students to straighten ties or crooked robes. This has caused him to be hexed or shouted at on more than one occasion.
Calleo does -not- deal well with being 'dirty'. The greenhouses and potions labs are places that one is not at all likely to find him. As a consequence, he tends to get extremely low marks in Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures and Potions. It's not so much the subject that causes this, but rather the fact that he simply can't cope with the practicals and flat out refuses to touch anything relating to them that would get him dirty, wet, or sticky.

On holidays, if he's not holed up in a library somewhere, Calleo enjoys going out with friends and is up for just about anything.

Calleo tends to giggle rather than laugh.

He is a terrible flirt, and that does tend to get him into a little bit of trouble on occasion. The flirting stops at verbal flirting, however; he is single, and for all intents and purposes is celibate. If anything downstairs does function, he evidently ignores it.
Most of this stems from his obsession with hygeine; let's face it, sex is fluid filled and messy. These are two things that Calleo does NOT enjoy.
In shorter terms: He's not a manwhore. ;) He'd have to know someone very, very, very well to consider it.

Calleo can, unfortunately, come off as extremely vain, though many times he's simply joking around when he goes on about how adorable he is.

For all his emphasis on personal neatness, living areas and study areas tend to look as though someone released a few dozen Cornish Pixies. Don't let that fool you, he knows where everything is in his organized disorganization.

Relationships: Just about anyone with whom he can get a foot in the door, assuming they're not expecting any sort of sexual favours from him. Political leanings don't matter, as he believes it's advantageous to have 'friends' across the board.


Vices first:
Alcohol (when he can get it), if it's around and it's outside of class time, chances are he'll be a little tipsy. Alcohol only seems to further degrade his already lacking common sense and can, occasionally, cause him to say or do very embarrassing or stupid things. He tends to do that without the help of alcohol anyway; alcohol just makes it worse. When he drinks, he also smokes.

The Dark Arts; only Transfiguration captivates his interest at a higher level.

Though I'm not sure it's a proper vice, he can be too easy going and 'forgiving' at times, which opens the possibility that some people may view him as a doormat.

Calleo does have a low tolerance for Muggle things (fashion, music, literature, culture, etc...) due to his upbringing and his own personal views on the subject as a whole. Those times when common sense fails to show up for work on time, that tends to show up outwardly.

Virtue time:

Despite the few points above, overall Calleo is very friendly and laid back toward pretty much everyone.

To those he considers actual friends, he can be loyal to a fault and overlook any and all flaws.

Not much really gets him down, angers him, upsets him or frazzles him; most of it just rolls like water off of a duck.

Likes: Studying, paperwork, being around people (the more the merrier), Quidditch, Transfiguration-for-fun, nights out, playing any sort of game, dueling, good port, and a constant supply of tea.

Dislikes: Late House Elves, wrinkled robes, dirty people (even worse: dirty people touching him.), Muggle things, classmates who can't keep their mouths shut in class, people asking him about his political views, political discussions in general, people who pry, sugar in tea, lemon cakes, sticky foods, cheap wine, Pince not allowing tea in the library.


Ravenclaw Leos are brilliant scholars, loudly adding to classroom discussions and impressing others with the breadth, if not depth, of their knowledge. Many find themselves attracted, as well, to positions on the Quidditch team, partly because this lets them use their abundant energy, partly because it allows them to hog the limelight for a few hours while everybody in their House cheers them on. Their optimism and charisma make them friends everywhere, regardless of House affiliation, and their creativity makes them highly inventive in the laboratory. On the other hand, they are prone to fat egos and intellectual arrogance, and this can be intensely annoying. Emotional maturity will eventually teach them that they don't know everything, and sometimes it's best to let other people speak up and take the credit.