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the art of creating.
Xedni art history
I decided to remake an old design and make it like more flashy and stuff. So I used Oversight by Cutter which didnt have a lot of downloads. I have some problems with making a design from scratch yet so I just remake for now. I hope you like it because this is my first submission to OSWD. Actually, I sent a design once, but since I made it in Word, OSWD didnt accept it :) Soz guys, thanx for the downloads and rating that shall come (I hope :))
Very soft colors on this now, and the stylesheet is now separated. The content boxes are easy to add etc etc, and you got a background! :) If you wish to remove it just remove the background tag in < body > and you will receive the original color :)

IF you wish to use this
I have no problem, since it is open source :) ... but please, at least link me on your website :) And you could actually let me know if you use it so I can view what have you done with it :) lol