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The Culture Quiz, a tool for use in the creation of social groups. Created by yclept ynsaen.
I have developed this tool out of the methodology I used to create several hypothetical and fantastic societies for presentation in a plausible manner for fiction, an ongoing world building project, and several sociological documents.  That which is created here is in no way meant to create a complete and thorough socio-cultural survey, but can be used as the basis of one.

The tool takes the form of separate questionnaires covering specific areas of a culture.  Each one produces a simple  response validation form, which is intended to be printed by the user for their use.  Results are culled from the list in an infrequent manner and without regard.  They are presented in very raw format at present, although they will eventually be shifted to a database that will allow the use and intermingling of the various results

The links to each of the quizzes are presented on the left of each page. The central area of each page will contain the quiz itself.

There are links to additional world building resources located under "Useful Links" on the lower right.

This site is actually an adjunct to "The Bleak Journey", a shared world being built and created  by diverse, award winning artists and open to anyone with an interest in jumping in and helping us explore it.  Shortly after that site makes it's leap from the groups setting it is currently in, this will be folded into that project.

It will also appear in a separate project whose date of completion has been delayed indefinitely at this point.


January 6th, 2003 - Community section is completed.

January 15th, 2003 - Redesign of entry page completed, though the rest of the pages will have to wait until sometime in February. Government and Justice have been put off until late February, but the rest of the site will likely be completed shortly after that.

February 5th, 2003 - Added Government ahead of schedule, fleshed out remaining page structure, began determining issues for db conversion.

June 10th, 2003 - Began moving the quiz to a new location.  Had the babies and have ben mourning, so I'm considerably behind schedule. New location for the quizzes will be

   Join The Bleak Journey   The Bleak Journey is that road which takes you to another world. This is the locale of that world, which exists only in the minds of the participants. Here you will find all the parts needed to begin the creation of your part of the world.  Yes, your part -- for this world is forming even now, and you too can shape a part of it in a manner fitting your style and theme. Here you can post complete short stories, pictures, vignettes, poems, songs, music, whatever you can create in the name of bringing this communal world to life.
 MSN Groups


Results The Bleak Journey
ynsaen's Asylum
Useful Links

who is yclept ynsaen? some sociologist who left the field without ever looking back because they never got serious 'bout it enough for their peers.  Something about keeping a sense of humor.©2002, 2003 by yclept ynsaen. All rights reserved.

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