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We're glad you decided to join us!

Scoring on this level is based on a daily vote count system.
You MUST vote for yourself at LEAST three times during the
week to advance. If your site does not advance after three
weeks of competition, you will be dropped and will have to
re-apply to compete again. So be sure to vote for your site!

Each * denotes the number of weeks a site has been competing.

If you vote for yourself every day, you'll get a

So good luck, have fun, and get those votes in!

Fighter Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Score
Nightowl's Wicca Site* 0 -- -- -- -- 0
Wacky's Wiccan Page* 0 -- -- -- -- 0
Phoenix & Histaf's Guide
To The Occult Arts*
0 -- -- -- -- 0
The Fool's Journey** 0 -- -- -- -- 0
Welcome Into My World** 0 -- -- -- -- 0

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Design & Maintenance
Copyright 2002 by Aragorn & Yvanna
Lightningwolf Grafix Inc.