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Wizard Webz

Something has happened!
Wow! You've just found the EVIL WIZARD's Rod of Dark Nova! You pick it up and wave it! WHOOSH. You just turned yourself into a frog.

Hi and Welcome to Wizard Webz.

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This is my general website that will link YOU to most of my other websites across the Internet.

WOW you found something!
You pick up a One Thousand Dubloon Coin. So just to make sure it's the real thing, you bite into it. Oh no! it's chocolate.

You can freely if you wish to know me better.

I am always happy to meet and make NEW FRIENDS from all over the world. People say "it's a small world these days", I agree; but it is an exiting small world if you wan't it to be.

Hope smiles on the threshold of the year to come, whispering that it will be happier. -- Alfred, Lord Tennyson

cptgra got their NeoPet at

Kougeriner is my Yellow Kougra NeoPet.

Power Pets - The Greatest Virtual World site on the Internet!

I am the Dragon. In medieval Europe, dragons were considered mostly evil and a generally bad omin. Christianity linked the dragon with Satan because of the dragon's snake-like apperance. However, to the Orient cultures the dragon was a symbol of wisdom and royalty. It was a benign animal and the fifth creature of the Chinese zodiac. It resided over the east and the sunsrise. It was also said to bring rain and the springtime. The dragon is interesting because it combines all four elements: air, earth, fire, and water. It could fly, had the horns of a ox, breathed fire, and resided over the moon.

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Here is a small excerpt from the Gorse family history:
According to my research, the origin of my family's name, Gorse, is English and the Coat of Arms contains A silver shield with nine red in saltire. The Crest is A falcon with wings expanded, ducally gorged in gold. Spelling variations include: Gosse, Goss, Joss, Jose and others. First found in Staffordshire where they acquired lands in 1130, after the Norman invasion. Some of the first settlers of this name or some of its variants were: John Gosse and his wife settled in Watertown, Massachusetts in 1631; Christopher Gosse settled in Virginia in 1637; John Gosse settled in the Barbados in 1660. This is about my Christian name. GRAHAM (British). Possibly a modern form of the ancient Irish name "O'Creachain". Also GRAHAM (British). Means "Homestead of Granta" or "Gravelly homestead."

This is a bit about My Family and I.
I am a older middle aged man who lives near the sea. I was born in late July 1955 just a few miles from where I now live. I have a medical condition called Diabetes. In diabetes. The body does not produce a natural substance called insulin in the right amounts needed to control the level of sugar in the blood. The insulin I now use is a man-made supplement that is given by injection every day. As many as 10% of the population have this condition, but most people with diabetes enjoy a good and healthy life if they take care of themselves. Sadly I am now widowed. My wife was a wonderfull lady. She left me with two fantastic step children and four wonderfull grandchildren. I feel very proud to be part of their lives. I also have a sister who is my best friend. She is a kindred spirit and I could not be the person I am now, without her. As you can see, my family are a joy to know and make my life worth living. I love them all very much.

My Interests
I have been mad about boats since I was a small boy. In those days I only sailed toy boats. Now I sail real boats when I can. How great is that. I have used the internet for some years now and enjoy meeting new people from all over the world. The web is great if it is used with care. Sadly it has become a nightmare of pop up adds and some very unpleasant junk/spam mail. I like many different types of music, but my fave will always be Motown and Northern Soul.

About Gra-Web
Gra-Web is a generic name for all the assorted web pages...sites...and communities that I have created over the years. There is a main *Homepage available which is listed among the links below. It has all the main links listed for your convenience, so you can visit my other websites at the clic of your mouse.

I can be contacted by e-mail at the following urls... or...

I hope you enjoyed visiting my page at Angelfire. Please tell your friends, then come back and visit again SOON! Thank You. Have a Gr8 day.

With much respect from Graham. 'Gra-Web'

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The Universal Currency Converter

Wizard Webz Features

  • Easy Links to my other Fave Websites
  • *There you can get to know me better
  • **You can also enjoy all the on site Fun Stuff

My Favorite Web Sites

New TSO photo of me
*My Spooky website
*This is my Personal website with family pics
*My Guestbook. I would love you to sign it.
Neopets. An interactive web games/ friends site
PowerPets An interactive web games/ friends site
Angelfire - Free Home Pages
