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Kyohaku Celestiale Vespertina

Welcome to the homepage of the "Public Profiles" page. After half a year I've decided to give this a try once more. Things may move slowly or quickly. Don't know but I hope that one day I can do HTML again as I do not have much time to rehash at it presently. As that is this is a very basic page, no complex HTML or anything. ::sheepish look:: sorry.

Everyone is sorted by family and each family has an individual page. Each individual page also has a black background by the families all have different colors

Aso the order of the families is purely alphabetical. Nothing more. "Dynasty" means it's a member of the Court and socialite while Family means just your average day family. The site is still under construction whenever I have time and am not writing.

The Malfoy Dynasty
The Potter Dynasty
The Snape Dynasty
The Weasley Family
Handmaidens to Princess Alexandrina Sandrilene
Aides to Prince Alexander Samuel