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This is where you can find Mystickal Realms competitors' Vote Exchange buttons with links to their sites.
you'd like to have YOUR button appear on the wall, submit your 100 X 100 pixel image, your name,
Site Name and URL.

If you don't have a VE button, we'll be happy to make one for you!!

All Button Submissions, Button Requests, Questions, Concerns and/or comments regarding the
Mystickal Realms VE Wall should be sent to:
Request or Submit a VE Button

Vote Exchange Buttons

Due to an increase in the amount of VE Buttons, I have decided to break down the
Button onto several pages to make navigation easier and upload time more quick.

VE Fighter Pages are listed on the Quick Menu below.

Suggested Vote Exchange Sites

Also, at the request of some of our Fighters, I have started a page of
sites where you can find people to VE with and/or post your VE Button.
Suggested VE Sites is listed on the Quick Menu below.

MR Vote Exchange Etiquette & Rules

1. This board is for the members of Mystickal Realms Website Competitions.
This includes fighters who have competed or who are currently competing
in Mystickal Realms Site Competitions.

2. Please do not just email a Fighter, visit their site first - Blind Voting is discouraged
Take the time to visit the webpages of other fighters who are listed on our VE Wall or other
VE Sites listed . If you like their page, contact them and let them know you would like
to exchange votes.

3. I have seen some who vote for others and do not see votes reciprocated.
If you promise to exchange votes with someone be honest and make sure you DO vote for
them. In making vote agreements with other people, you must take responsibility.

4. It is fine to email family and friends and ask for support, but it needs to be done
in moderation. Always include a note in your email letting people know that if
they wish to be removed from your reminder list to let you know. When someone does
ask to be removed, make sure to do so right away.

5. Most of all have fun and good luck to all of you!!!

Quick Menu

Page 1
VE Fighters Page 1
Page 2
VE Fighters Page 2
Page 3
VE Fighters Page 3
Page 4
VE Fighters Page 4
VE Sites
Mystickal Realms Suggested VE Sites
MR Main
Mystickal Realms Main

Last Updated June 20, 2003
Design & Maintenance by Vampire Prince Velvet Myst
© 2002, 2003 Mystickal Realms
Some Images Courtesy of Spaar Sites

Mystickal Realms Main