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Hello to old friends and new, and welcome to the Land of the Funny Fruits! It's a magical wonderland full of Fruits and Elves. (For more about the Funny Fruits, visit the About Vana page.) I am your host and Queen of the Funny Fruits, Vana, aka Lady Pear. Please feel free to wander wherever you will- nothing will harm you here (except, quite possibly, the Rampaging Coconut). Pending a merger with the Island of the Hot Elves, we remain, as ever, the Land of the Funny Fruits.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions as to the content of this page, please email me OR check out my guestbook. Thanks for stopping by, and please enjoy your stay!

~Lady Pear~

Proud Member Of:

Riddles in the Dark Greenleaf: A Legolas Web Clique Ranger Absolute Evil



Pics, Sigs and Avatars *coming back soon*
>Lord of the Rings Pics
>Vana's Page of Poesie
>About Vana


View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

Polling Booth


1-14~ Ooo . . new Poll :-) Also, I missed Orli's birthday yesterday- sorry, all you fangirls out there!

1-12~ Eep! Two months since last update? *is embarrassed* So sorry!
Grrr. Boomspeed has deleted my account, so my pics won't show up. I've switched to ImageMagician, but it will take a while for me to get all my stuff up. I appreciate your patience :-)
I have taken down the Sigs & Avs page for now, but it will be up again as soon as I upload all my pics. Also, soon to come is a Links page for all the awesome sites out there!

11-11~ New special effects thanks to Anya and!!

11-8~ New Poll! Go on and take it. You know you want to.
Let me know what you think, or give me ideas for future Polls.

11-7~ Added About Vana section. About me, basically.

9/8~ All sigs and avatars now hosted by Webspawner! *wipes tear* I'm so proud!

8/24~ Fixed the Pics, Sigs and Avatars section! Also added Guestbook.

8/22~ Added Randomness section and updated Lord of the Rings Pics section!
Many thanks to Vanessa for the neat pictures.

8/17~ Added Lord of the Rings Pics section and Vana's Page of Poesie! *wipes sweaty brow*

7/19~ Added Pics, Sigs and Avatars section!

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