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Cameron's Web Page!!

Hey there hey! How goes it? This is my first Web Page and I have no clue what I am doing!!

I guess I should introduce myself, my name is: Diana Allison Cameron. I was born on June 3, 1983, so if my calculations are correct, that would make me 18 at the moment. I was born to Howard Sr. and Denise Cameron at Rosthern Union Hospital, which is a boring hick town, but was the closest hospital to where I am from, so surprise surprise, here I am!! I am originally from Beardy's and Okemasis First Nation, but am now currently residing in Beauval, Saskatchewan. I moved away from my reserve because I started playing soccer with SUSC United Eagles, and the travelling was too hard and tiring, so me and my mom had to move. I played for a little over 2 years, but those 2 years were probably the best years in my life. I eventually had to give up soccer for a couple of years due to the fact that I got hurt tearing my ACL.

I come from a family of 5, myself included. There are 3 boys: Darwin(28), Howard Jr(22) and Bradley(20). I have one older sister, Robin(25), so that makes me the baby of the family, ugh!! I have 2 nieces and 1 nephew, Shayne Kariya(7), Sheris Sunshine(3) and Xander Elijah(1). Shayne belongs to my sister Robin, Sheris and Xander belong to my brother Howard Jr.

My future plans are to continue my eduacation by finishing High School. I then want to go into R.C.M.P training in Regina, Saskatchewan and pursue a career as a cop. I always thought I had wanted to go to University or College, but when I got hurt and my hopes of getting a soccer scholarship kinda shattered, it was good that I had an alternate life plan to turn to. I guess there is still a chance that I could go to University, but I know that I want to be a cop. Maybe sometime down the road, I'll take some classes when I think the time is right because you never know what could happen to you as a cop and I want something to fall back on. My future vehicle is a 2000 Nissan Frontier, mine as well have a future vehicle to go along with a future plan, huh??

My Likes include: Soccer , Reading, Music, Movies, Pepsi and of coarse Guys!!! My favorite soccer team in the English Premiere League is Manchester United, and my favorite National Team is Brazil. Dawson's Creek is my favorite T.V show, and I urge you to watch it! 7:00pm on Wednesdays!!!on the WB.

click here for the Dawson's Creek official site

My Dislikes include: , people who have dreams but no ambition to achieve them, wearing shoes,I'd prefer sandals over shoes anyday, quitters, liars, and the list goes on and on!! Oh, and playing sports with guys who are always on power trips and get mad when you wreck up!! Hey, T.K and Nolan??

My favorite search site is Yahoo! I search for everything I need on the internet here, and it's easier to understand without any complications.

click here for yahoo!

If you have any questions or ideas on how to improve my website, e-mail me and let me know, I'm open to suggestion. My e-mail address is:

click here for hotmail

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