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Task Two
Rescue What You Would Most Miss

You put your wand back inside your clock and reach down to touch the grindylow. At first you yank your hands away at the gross feeling of the grindylow's hands, but then you reach for them again. The fingers crack and break off; the grindylow loosens his grip and howls in pain. You swim away in the direction of the singing. Soon you can see the mercity coming into view, and the captives tied to a rock in the center square. How will you rescue your captive?

1. Cut the rope with a sharp rock
2. Untie the ropes
3. Pick up a spear that was lying on the ground
4. Cut the rope against the sharp metal edge of the -- thing -- they're tied to.

Before you move on, please write down this code: 93284 and that pertained to defeating the grindylows. You will be asked this code at the end to determine how many points you earned. Thank you!