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Task Two
Rescue What You Would Most Miss

You raise your wand and point it at the Giant Squid's eye; a jet of steaming water shoots out of the end of your wand and right into your attacker's eye. The Squid flinches as though hurt and begins to back away from you. When he is quite far away from you, he turns and swims as fast as he can. After swimming on for a while, you can hear something in the distance that sounds like singing -- the merpeople! You try to swim faster, moving quickly with your webbed hands and feet. You'd better hurry! The hour is going fast! You kick as hard as you can, then feel a slimy, horribly unpleasant something catch hold of your feet! You turn... a grindylow! What can you do to get yourself out of this predicament?

1. Use the spell to counter a grindylow
2. Try to claw the grip off your feet
3. Kick it in the head
4. Use the Reductor Curse to blast it out of your way

Before you move on, please write down this code: 38437 and that pertained to defeating the squid. You will be asked this code at the end to determine how many points you earned. Thank you!