Totaku's Home Page

The other parts to my website

Art Gallery
WebComic-I got an idea, but I'm not ready yet.
About the world of Pandora
About me


Hello, this is the Traveling Otaku, but you can call me Totaku. Welcome to my wonderful site that will one day be full of my artwork, links, and a possible webcomic that I have been working on. Enjoy you stay here and please come back as I will update at a regular pace.



Some minor improvements have taken place here. I've fixed some links that have been broken lately and I also added a few picture into the original art. Also I'm starting up a new section on "The World of Pandora which will allow everyone to look deeper into the video game project. More to come...


Ok, I'm preparing for the finals for this semester so I'm going to be busy for a few weeks. However, I put up another fanart that was sent by Deena to me a week ago. check it out, it's worrth it. ^_~


Sorry for the long delay, college life is eating me away! >_< Anyways, I've update my site one again. This time I opened the gift art section and have Ryushi's birthday pic he gave me. You might as well check it out. Also I tweaked a little bit with the links and added RIvaL's mirror site that some might need in case his original site goes down. Beyond that, I got a couple of things to do I hope I can update this more eventually.


Added drawing in art gallery that I sent as gift art to the Tsunami Channel.


I just updated some more art in my original art gallary. You will see a drawing of another one of my characters and the banner which you see just above you that I put up yesterday. Hopefully I get some more done later this week so I can update even more.


I think I got everything updated to where it should be now. I added Cloud's homepage to my link page. It tok me a while to get this one working, but it's finally up and running. As for some extras I plan to set a limit on how many update are on this within the next 2-3 updates I make, so the olds one won't be here much longer.


I finally got the art gallery started. There's nonthing there yet. I just got one drawing in the original art sections so far. I will only be able to update artwork on the weekends if I have them done by then. Also I put up links all over my page that will connect you to the art gallery so that it will be easier for you all. I am beginning to think that I'm going to change the title to this site soon, I'll keep you updated if it happens.Next, I modified the Tsunami Channel banner and put up the link to 8-bit Theater.Finally, I put up two of my e-mail addresses one is for college and the other is for my home. For now home e-mail would be the best choice since I answer that more often. I left the other one in there just in case things don't go right at home after a while. Well this is one huge update if you ask me, please enjoy what you see here until I can get some other drawings done.


Sorry for the delay people, the state government had problems so I didn't have accsess to scanner till now.I finally got an under construction drawing put up on the pages that are under construction. It a funny one, but it's not as good as what I usually do. Also, I'm thinking of changing the title to this webpage real soon so keep an eye on the info for it.


I finally got the About me page up. I doesn't have alot of info yet, but I'll fix it up soon. Also, I got my under construction drawing done. All I have to do now is take it to college to scan it and process it now. That will be this weekend(I hope).


Here is where you can e-mail me if you want to talk about my art, my site, ect. Feel free to contact me.

<----Home e-mail-This one I check very often.

<----College e-mail-This one I check less often then the other, except on certain weekends I get drawings done. Otherwise, I'll only check it very often once I'm back in school.