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The Tiger's Den

Welcome to my life, I hope you enjoy your stay a lot more than I have. There is only one Tiger and you know you all love him. My friends are the most important thing in the world to me so just know I'd do anything for you guys. Girlfriends are nice but as I recently found out no matter how much you love them they can be fleeting and family sticks around but DAMN they get on my nerves! This site is dedicated to all the Triple C's, Fudge Rounds, and Chicadees that stayed with me through it all. Thanks for everything guys (and gals). Well, enjoy the quirky humor that follows. If you know me then you know what to expect, if not then may God have mercy on your soul!

When you have problems with your girlfriend you turn to your friends, when you have problems with your family you turn to your friends, when you have problems with your turn to your other friends. Think about it.

Friendship is like peeing your pants, everybody can see it but only you feel it's true warmth.


My Journal
Weekly Funny Stuff
Ocean City Funny Stuff 2002
Ocean City Funny Stuff
Is Williamsburg the New Ocean City?

Suggestion Box
Busted! Again!
Welcome Back Comics

My Pictures
My Writing
My Artwork
My Videos
Shout Outs

The Man Code
The ABC's of Ex-Girlfriends
Woman's Guide to Driving Men Crazy
A Touching Story
The Dumbest People...Ever!
Funny Instruction and Warning Labels
How to Keep a Healthy Level of Insanity
Drinking Wisdom
Government Warnings

Kids Say the Darndest Things


Some Shweet Links

Strong Bad E-mail
Best Band Ever...Best...Band...EVER!!!!
Rotten Tomatoes
Family Guy Reference Archives
Friends Episode Guide
Get Tested
Funny Junk...and i really feel sorry for this guy
Please be nice...

Click here if you like Spider-Man *snicker snicker*


Friend's Sites

Carol's Site
Heather's Page
Luke's Page
Ryan's Page
Stacy's Site