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GameMaster Tom
Roll the dice/Make your move/Tom will probably kill you/Rape the system/Roleplaying god/We love GameMaster Tom
Tom's Secret Mechs
Underneath his living room, Tom is working hard/On Bipedal Robot powersuits with fists and fucking guns/ He won't tell a soul, but that isn't stopping us/Tom is building secret mechs, so watch the fuck out/One day Tom will rule the world with his secret mechs.
Shut Your Fucking Tom
I always hear you talk/You talk about Tom/like you fucking know him/You dont know shit/Your mouth is always moving/You think you know Tom/You know fucking nothing/so shut your fucking Tom/You don't know shit
In it for Tom
In it for Tom, we're not in this for you/stop pretending that you like us and get a fucking clue/You'd kill yourself for Tom if you were hardcore too/In it for tom not you/We don't fuck around when it comes to Tom!
Acid Intro/Acid for Tom
Tom did acid one time and maybe he did it again/Tom has fucking flashbacks and he doesn't like them/Tom did acid Tom did acid Tom did acid LSD!
Tom's Inferno
Tom's house burnt down/up in smoke/Tom's inferno, Holy shit!/Throw those goats out the window/Marylin Monroe burnt to the ground/Holy shit!/Tom's house burnt to the ground
You Ain't Tom
The back of your head, it fooled my brain/I thought you were Tom, but you were just lame/You ain't Tom/I hope you know that/You had me fooled/But you ain't Tom
The Day the Tom Stood Still
Remember back in `99?/The day the Tom stood still/He just kinda stood there/It was really weird
Cloning Tom
With his fucking DNA/We're building a new Tom today/"Don't do that" You fucking say/You think we care?/No fucking way!/`Cuz the world's too big for just one Tom/We're cloning Tom/Tom Tom Tom/The world's so big, more Toms can fit/We're cloning Tom, so eat my shit/I guess we didn't have to clone/Tom just made one on his own/But with this strand of fucking hair/We'll make ten Toms. You think I care?/You can fucking throw a fit/But TSE don't give a shit
More Time for Tom
You're relationship is on the rocks?/Holy shit, more time for Tom!/If you've been ditched he'll come hang out/You should make more time for Tom/Make your retard boyfriend jealous/Fuck that kid, it's time for Tom/ It's time to make more time for Tom/It's time to try to suck his face/More! Time! For! Tom!
Half the Tom
He got a fucking job/He's working out his ass/Building all those robots gave him washboard abs/Half the fucking Tom/Half the fucking flab/He's half the Tom he used to be/But he's twice the fucking man/Half the Tom/Twice the man/Check out Tom's rock hard ass
Tom is Missing!
Picked up the phone/Cops on the line!/"Where the fuck is Tom?"/I don't fucking know!/Tom's fucking missing/Where the fuck is Tom?/We better fucking find him/Missing fucking Tom/Is he in the closet?/Is he on the moon?/Is he in Japan?/Is he fucking dead?
Tom Can't Drive
He's out of his mind/Behind the wheel/He'll endanger your life/And run over your girlfriend/Tom can't fucking drive/Don't let him have the keys, man!
aTOMic Bomb
There's a mega-ton of explosives/Inside Tom Savage's fucking fists/Atomic fucking bomb/He's gonna punch your ass
Talk To Tom
You think you know what you say when you talk your fucking shit/but if you ever talked to Tom you'd learn a fucking thing or two/talk to Tom, you fucking retard. Sit and have a chat with Tom
Fucking Tomageddon
Tom can't take anymore of this shit/This whole world's got him down/so he's gonna end it all/He won't stop with himself/we all gotta fucking die/Say you're goodbyes, we're all going down in this fucking Tomageddon/The day moves closer/as Tom prepares to bring/This chapter in history to it's bitter fucking close/He sits at the top of the motherfucking world/it's a fucking Tomageddon
Kill For Tom
How fucking committed are you to Tom?/If he were to ask, what would you do?/If Tom said the word, I'd obey in a flash/If Tom wanted you dead, I'd fucking kill you/Are you willing to do it?/Kill for Tom, kill for Tom/Can you fucking handle it?/Kill for Tom, kill for Tom/You better believe that I'd kill you for Tom
Replacement Tom
What the fuck?/Tom went to New York for a week/Michelle found a new Tom/Tom has been replaced/Replacement Tom/What the fuck?/He looks fucking ugly/He looks fucking dumb/Dumb and fucking ugly/Fuck Replacement Tom
World War Tom
The news just came in/Tom made the call/He's declaring war on the whole fucking world/Be on alert/gather your troops/Tom Fucking Savage is going to crush you/You better be ready for World War Tom
The Mystery of Tom's Socks
Tom woke up one morning and his socks were cut in half/Who the fuck did it? I guess we'll never know/Tom's socks Tom's socks The mystery of Tom's socks/He'll have to find Another pair of socks/But someone's gonne have to pay/Tom's socks Tom's socks The mystery of Tom's socks
Tom Thrashes the Sky
Down the driveway/Through the yard/Off the mailbox/Grind the fence/Learn to skate/you crazy Tom/Show us all/Don't fucking fall/You didn't believe/He could do it/Made some ramps/Out of wood/Ollied over a fucking goat/Now it's time, Tom/Make us proud/Tom's gonna put you all to shame!/360 spin/Over his car/Now he's gonna/Thrash the sky/Built a ramp/From his roof/Holy shit/There he goes!