Daily Reports
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3/06/03 Well I haven't writen in a while but I am sure you guys don't mind. So how's it goin in the world today?? Yeah I hear that but so go to this site it Rules well not realy but it is pretty funny Deasspair.com

1/30/03 So how's it going? I really don't have much to say just thought I would write in here today. Well there is one thing that is pretty big. Super Smash Bros. 3 That's right 3. It has Nintendo vs. Sega Mascots. Yep sounds pretty awesome to me but we will see. But yeah guess that about sums it up. Have a nice day. And don't forget to check out The Onion.

1/24/03 So I have been playing one of the coolest games in the world. MONOPOLY! Yeah find cool stuff about it HERE. Yeah there is a lot of interesting stuff that I would have never thought existed. But since about 2 weeks ago my record is 4 out of 6 as in I won 4 games out of 6. Yeah It is fun. I might be getting the Simpson version soon :) well thanks for reading this.

1/10/03 Yeah so looks like I am doing pretty good writing everyday.. Hey I found a funny site you should go to it. It is the funniest thing ever.. it kinda inspires me but I don't know how be as funny as them .. but we'll see.. but here go to it and laugh The Onion. Have fun. Oh and vote on my poll .. NOW!

1/9/03 Yep So I tried playin the stick man murder thing.. but I got to the last part and couldn't see any of the picutes.. so that sucked.. so don't go there.. yeah and Uhh oh yeah that poll thing.. I am gonna go find one right now.. Thanks for reminding me.

1/8/03 Yeah so I found a funny site.. I mean you have to look at this.. Afterlife Telegrams .. yeah you have to see this it is funny. Make sure you click on the Frequently Asked Questions. But yeah so I have to work.. just like eveyonther day.. So yeah I got to get a poll on here to you know see stuff...

1/3/03 So yeah I got a lot of cool stuff for christmas. I am hoping to put them on here soon. well on the pic page but yeah. That sword picture I stole of someone else's website.. Oh well. Maybe I'll look for other things I got. like my awsome trainset and stuff. So yeah be sure to take my quiz I made up today. I really need to get a counter.

12/20/02 Still looking up WarCraftIII stategies. I stayed up till one palying people online.. I only got like 3 games in though.. I almost won once.. but you are haing problems like me I found out the best site in the world. WarCraftIII.net.

12/19/02 So how is everyone today? I am really bored and nothing to do ( I am at school) So yeah tomorrow is friday and we (our school) gets to watch a movie.. there isn't even really a point in coming tomorrow. But you know. Better then learning. So today what I mainly did was look up WarCraft III strategies. and looked for a counter for my web page but couldn't find but I'll get one someday.

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