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The Muscular Hobbit's Hole

These are a few of my favorite things!!!

Some interesting sites

K-97's homepage
Want to see stickmen die?
Kitten Band
Ever have a booger on your hand?
Neat game, worth a look.

If you want to check out an interesting quiz click on the pic below.

What Spooky Being are You? More About Loveland Frogs Loveland Frogs are certainly the craziest things I've ever heard of! These 4-foot tall creatures resemble frog people, with big ugly frog mouths and wrinkly foreheads. Some have seen them carrying funny sparkling wands. They have been seen in groups so there's more than one apparently. According to one witness, they smell like alfalfa and almonds. Some theories state that they are aliens or genetic mutations of frogs, and another theory is that they are the result of genetic experiments done by scientists. Even though it's highly unlikely that these creatures exist, due to the pure absurdity of the accounts and the lack of any physical evidence at all, it sure is an interesting creature ^-^ Well if you have any comments i would love to hear them. this is my first web page hopefully it will get better. send commments to