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"Me Ne Frego"

This page was created for Devon Crawford, one of my pupils in HTML
Thank you for visiting The_Keeper web page.
The Keeper is a valued member of the GX-ZER0 web-ring
Liz, Damian Secrest,Brian H., Christian,Adam, Porter, Whitie, Duane, Kuhn, Sean Stewart, Robel, Beverly Martin, Steve Kirby, Audrey, Veronica, Brandonburg, Robert Linville, Jennifer Martin, Eddie West,Tiffany Barnes, Joe james, Chris, Eason, Jason French, Crystal Gramn, John Hill, Cory sutton, Lugwig, Mike walters, Cliff Godbold, Dia, Morgan Lintz, Jeremy Echert, Megan Travis, Chris taulbee, Bob lee.

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