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  Weird Ponies

This page is for those little ponies who don't quite fit in anywhere else ;) The weird ones. Some of these seem to have been end of the line ponies, weird put together jobs or just, well, plain odd. Along the way some of these have been given nicknames by their owners, (myself included here), and these are included in 'quote' marks. Names not in quote marks, if any, relate to real names of the ponies ;)
Please note that all ponies on this page MUST be Hasbro put together weirdos, not custom done! All ponies below are genuine Hasbro sealed little ponies :) (Yes, I've seen most all of em first hand, and it's true, they are!)
I'd like to thank Selena Thomas for the use of 'Hex', 'Princess Crash', and 'Princess Woosie', M Bearcroft for weird amber and ruby #1 and JLM for weird Ruby 2, white bodied bluebelle and white bluebelle.

If you have a WEIRD pony not on this page (particularly a weird princess!!), please email me a picture and I will credit you :D

'Princess Woosie'
(German Princess Amethyst/Woosie hybrid)

'Princess Crash'
(German Princess Amethyst/Princess Sunbeam cross)


(Squeezer only with no symbol or mechanism internally. How many of these freak happytails ponies are there anyway?!)

(Yes! It's my fault, I confess! This is the original 'Bobbie' from whence the web's nickname came...LOL!! She is based on a Tall Tales body with pink hair/no symbol/no mechanism)

White Head Bluebelle
(Yes, I'm serious. :P Her head is creamy white, her body is blue...yet it's hasbro sealed so there's no way her head could have been discoloured :P Her eyes are both purple and pink, too. Funnn :) She came to me from California and there are others like her, but I think she's a freak of production.)

White Bluebelle (HK)
This is a good indication that White head bluebelle was a factory blip indeed. Apparently the dye didn't always take...guess she's what's called a reject, huh? Well, it worked for the raggy dolls...

(Ok, someone is definitely having a joke with me here...LOL! This seems to be the twin of the pony above...but again, is factory sealed...curioser and curioser!)

Someone evidently forgot to tell production that they're supposed to glitter the tail and gilt the symbol....

(Is this a pony Blue Peter 'made earlier'? :-p SHe has Ruby's head and body, a half produced Ruby symbol and what looks like Princess Aquamarine's tail!
I've seen a whole bunch of these weird princesses on ebay but have no other pictures - please share with me!!)

Um again
UM....(part two)
(Eek, they're breeding!)