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Nemain Common Room

House: Nemain
Color: Black
Mascot: Banshee
Symbol: Silver Dagger
Entrance: A Murder in Eden by unknown
If you burn with fire, Try the strong Nemain, filled with powerful desires, without fear of harm nor pain.

House Nemain was named after it's founder, Bronagh Kerrigan Nemain. She was a dark, though very learned and wise, witch whom often kept in the company of the old, cold Banshees of Ireland. She was a beautiful, though evil, woman whom was herself half Banshee, and hence inherited their evil and love for power. When Lady Arianrhod called her to help found a school, she at first stead-fastly refused, but after a while, she relented, and came forth to pour her dark knowledge into the beautiful castle. Soon after, she retired back to her island home among the Banshees, and tale has it that a daughter was born to her in the night to continue vigilance over the school.

Class Schedule for Nemain

Care of Magical Creatures
Broom Flying
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Charms and Spells
History of Magic

Elective Classes:

Divination: Replace History of Magic or Care of Magical Creatures

Healing: Replace Care of Magical Creatures or Broom Flying

Muggle Studies: Replace History of Magic or Herbology

Arithmancy: Replace Broom Flying or Herbology

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