Charmed X:


Telekinesis: The ability to move objects with one's mind

Astral Projection: The power to project the physical image of oneself to some other place and control the image while the real self is temporarily unconscious.

Blinking: The owner thinks of the person he/she wants to get to or the destination and blinks to get there.

Optical Thermodynamics: The ability to expel a beam of heat or destructive energy out of the eyes.


Temporal Stasis-Orbing: The ability to slow down molecules until they stop moving or to simply put, stop time

Temporal Combustion-Orbing: The ability to manipulate the molecular structure of an object, thus causing it to separate with an explosive action

Healing: The ability to heal a wound or injury, the trigger to this power is love

Orbing: The ability to teleport from one place to another in a shimmer of blue and white orbs


Fire Throwing: the ability to project fire through ones hands

  • Premonitions: also called 'clairvoyance'. It's being able to see future or past events. Seeing future events can enable you to change the outcome and basically change the future

  • Levitation: the ability to float above ground without being affected by gravity
  • Name: Sam Jacob Halliwell
  • Nick Name: Jacob
  • Age: 18
  • Place of Birth: San Francisco, Cal
  • Occupation: High school student
  • Altered Self: Phillip Matthews Warren
  • Past Live (s): Jason Russell (Evil) and Matthew Warren (Good)
  • Mother: Paige Matthews Halliwell-Jacobs
  • Father: Glen Jacobs
  • Sisters: Penelope Jacobs Halliwell and Lilith Jacobs Halliwell
  • Lover: Brad Lee (Warlock) Son (s): Glen Lee Halliwell and Brad Lee Halliwell (DNA)
  • Powers From: Three from Mother and one from Father


    Telekinetic-Orbing: When he calls for an object it will 'orb' first before it reaches its destination

    Orbing: The ability to teleport from one place to another in a shimmer of blue and white orbs

    Energy Blast: the ability to shoot a blast of energy from your hands

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