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Click here to see the picture I did to celebrate my 1000th hit.. It's at a high resolution so for those with a slow modem I'm sorry and hope that your patience is well worth it
Warning: This site is by no means a site for children to see. If you are under 18 and/or you are offended by nudity, sexual scenes homosexual and not, then this site is not for you . On the other hand if the for mentioned does not apply to you then please enter and enjoy

As a side note this site is under construction unfortunately and some areas will have nothing in them till I have time to complete something for them.. I am hoping that having the site up will be enough to keep me motivated to get work done on it..

All Characters on this site are the property of Jamey Chambers unless otherwise noted please do not use any illustrations from this site whithout my permission. Thank you and enjoy
News Last updated on 11/29/2003
Last updated on 11/29/2003
Last updated on 9/16/2003
Last updated on 1/12/2003
Last Updated on 11/29/2003
Last Updated on 7/4/2003
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