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Welcome to the game of Wordox! To play this first register with Uproar and then go to Wordox and enter the Beginners Room, or Social Room One. If you would like to join Oxfest to play in a league, then go to the Pairs Room. If you didn't read the rules, I will give you a crash course. This is Scrabble with a time limit, score limit, and different variations. Join an empty table by clicking on a chair and then you can set your options. Click on your icon and click on Table Options. You can set the Winning Score, Amount of Time to make a word, Offensive words allowed, S rule, EOC Rule, How people join your table, If Watchers can join your table. If it is your first time, I recommend you give yourself 75 seconds or more and shoot for 50 points or more. Then when someone joins your table, you can wait for more people (up to 4 total at a table) or go 1 on 1 by clicking the start button in the middle of the table and wait for your opponent to press the button. Proceed to play, and good luck! Coming soon...Wordox variations, league play, and Wordox Ettiquette. But first, Wordox League Oxfest's F.A.Q..

Go here to play Wordox!