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Hello and welcome to Oxfest! My name is Shadow and I will be your tour guide into your Frequently Asked Questions.
Please, read the Case's Rules before reading this. Thanks!


The Questions

  1. How do I start?
  2. Where can I play Wordox?
  3. How do I register for a tourney?
  4. What types of games are there in Wordox?
  5. What types of tournaments are there?
  6. What are "tournament themes"?
  7. How do I play a "ladder match"?
  8. What if a ladder match is not reported?


How do I start?

Okay, so you're at our main page. On the left-hand menu, there will be various links. If you are new to Oxfest and wish to sign up to play in our league, you need to click on FREE SIGNUP.
Fill out the information. Your ladder name can be anything you want it to be, but make sure that your Hoyle name matches your ladder name. We don't want any confusion!
Follow the rest of the steps, and don't forget to grab the free LadderBux that is offered to you! They can be redeemed for prizes at the Case's Store when you acquire enough.
Don't forget to activate your account. You should receive an e-mail with your activation code and details on what to do. If you have any concerns, e-mail one of the Admins here at Oxfest (check the main page and click on their name underneath the Oxfest logo) or come into the Pairs room and ask for help; if we're there, we'll be glad to help you.


Where can I play Wordox?

Here are the two links to get you started.
To get an account so that you may play wordox, go here. Follow their instructions to register an account.
Once that's all done, go here and click on 'Pairs Room 1'. This is the room where the Oxfest league plays all their games. You will have to have WONplay installed on your computer, so take a couple of minutes and do so when it pops up.

How do I register for a tourney?

One: Jump Number

On our main page there is a bar on the left-hand side.
Scroll down that menu, and find the subheading labeled "Tourney Jump". Next to it there is a box. Enter the "jump number" of the tourney you would like to register for into that box and push the Enter button on your keyboard. A tournament page will come up.
There will be a title of the tourney, perhaps a picture or two and then some information. The information on the right will tell you the Where, When, and What of the tournament. In the box there will be a message from the Tournament Director who runs the tournament. This will normally tell you what the Options are for the tournament. Above the box there will be a few links, such as: Register, Teams / Check-in, Prizes, and Rules.
Click on the Register link. Find the box on the page. There will be a few things in the box you need to fill in. The first is your Ladder Name. Directly under that put in your password. Check the box under where you entered your password and click the Register button. It will tell you that you have been registered.
Congratulations! Now come to Pairs and play some Ox!

Two: Main Page

At the bottom of our main page there is a line-up of tournaments for today and tomorrow. These times are all in EST. They will almost always be 8 A.M., 4 P.M., 7 P.M., and 8 P.M. Occasionally there might be some more times, but those are our bread and butter.
Click on the appropriate time of the tourney you would like. A tournament page will come up.
There will be a title of the tourney, perhaps a picture or two and then some information. The information on the right will tell you the Where, When, and What of the tournament. In the box there will be a message from the Tournament Director who runs the tournament. This will normally tell you what the Options are for the tournament. Above the box there will be a few links, such as: Register, Teams / Check-in, Prizes, and Rules.
Click on the Register link. Find the box on the page. There will be a few things in the box you need to fill in. The first is your Ladder Name. Directly under that put in your password. Check the box under where you entered your password and click the Register button. It will tell you that you have been registered.
Congratulations! Now come to Pairs and play some Ox!

Three: Tourney Calendar

On the left-hand menu, find the Tournaments Heading. Click on "Tourney Calendar".
There will be an assortment of options to pick from and search for tournaments. Ignore these and scroll down. You will see today's date and a bunch of different colored boxes. Click on the link in the box for which tourney you want; there will be a time and the Director's name in the box, as well as other information. A tournament page will come up.
There will be a title of the tourney, perhaps a picture or two and then some information. The information on the right will tell you the Where, When, and What of the tournament. In the box there will be a message from the Tournament Director who runs the tournament. This will normally tell you what the Options are for the tournament. Above the box there will be a few links, such as: Register, Teams / Check-in, Prizes, and Rules.
Click on the Register link. Find the box on the page. There will be a few things in the box you need to fill in. The first is your Ladder Name. Directly under that put in your password. Check the box under where you entered your password and click the Register button. It will tell you that you have been registered.
Congratulations! Now come to Pairs and play some Ox!

Four: Newsletter

One of our tournament directors, Heranim, kindly creates a daily newsletter. If you would like to receive it, please contact her at
In the newsletter (it will come through e-mail), click on the tournament for which you wish to sign up. A tournament page will appear.
There will be a title of the tourney, perhaps a picture or two and then some information. The information on the right will tell you the Where, When, and What of the tournament. In the box there will be a message from the Tournament Director who runs the tournament. This will normally tell you what the Options are for the tournament. Above the box there will be a few links, such as: Register, Teams / Check-in, Prizes, and Rules.
Click on the Register link. Find the box on the page. There will be a few things in the box you need to fill in. The first is your Ladder Name. Directly under that put in your password. Check the box under where you entered your password and click the Register button. It will tell you that you have been registered.
Congratulations! Now come to Pairs and play some Ox!


What types of games are there in Wordox?

Firstly, before playing a game, there are three options you can change by "checking" them on and off under the Table Options.

No Offensive Words

The game will not accept an offensive word if it is played.

No S Rule

You can add an S to a word to "steal" it.


The game does not end when the winning score is achieved. If the board is "cleared" and someone has the winning score or higher, then they win. If both players happen to have the winning score, the higher score wins. This is the only game in which a tie can be possibly achieved.

There are also other formats that leagues play occasionally. Here are all that I know of:

Two Tile

Play only two tiles at a time. Play more than two and you lose.

Three Tile Maximum

You can play up to three tiles a turn. Play more than three tiles and you lose.

Three Tile Minimum

Play at least three tiles a turn. Play two tiles and you lose.

Three Tiles Only

Play only three tiles a turn. Play any other amount of tiles and you lose.

Crossword Ox

A.K.A. No stacking.

You cannot play any two letter words. Play a two letter word and you lose.

No Oranges

You cannot play an orange square. Play an orange square and you lose.

No Pinks

You cannot play a pink square. Play a pink square and you lose.

No-No Letters

You cannot play the assigned "No-No" Letter. If you do, you lose.

Free Turns and Win Words

A Tournament Director can assign words or letters to give a Free Turn when they are played. If you play a letter or word that is a "Free Turn" giver, then ask your opponent to pass their turn in case they have missed it.
If you play a word that the Tournament Director has assigned as the "Auto-Win Word" please ask the Tournament Director to come and watch the game and see that you have played the word. DO NOT leave the table until this happens.

Bingo Ox

In this variation, you will be assigned an opponent. For this example, Let's say your opponent is Jim. You decide to sit down at table 4. Jim decides on table 9. The Tournament Director will come and initiate a game with you. Then they will leave. Remove their seat and do nothing else. Then when the Tournament Director says GO, reset the game and try to achieve the winning score before your opponent; in this case, Jim. When you achieve the winning score, yell BINGO in Private Message to the Tournament Director and your opponent; in this case, Jim. When the Tournament Director says you may leave the table, do so. DO NOT leave the table until he/she says to do so.

Double Trouble - Vowels

Play the same vowel back-to-back and earn a free turn. Please ask your opponent to pass if they happened to miss your play. If not specified by the option-setter, there is no limit to the amount of free turns you can achieve.

Double Trouble - Consonants

Play the same consonant back-to-back and earn a free turn. Please ask your opponent to pass if they happened to miss your play. If not specified by the option-setter, there is no limit to the amount of free turns you can achieve.


Play any word that is the same when spelled backwards for a free turn. Words such as AA, OHO, DEED, SERES, REDDER, and RACECAR all count as Palindromes.

Letter Limit

No word on the board can be larger than the "letter limit". Make a word that exceeds the letter limit and you lose.

Example: The letter limit is 4. No word on the board can be larger than four letters. You played the word BASS last turn, and your opponent, Jim, wants to add an O, O, N, and an S to make BASSOONS. Unfortunately, Jim cannot do so because of the letter limit. Instead, Jim stacks on BASS with the word SOON (S,O, then the second O on the B, and the N on the A).

Outer Edges

A.k.a. The amazing vanishing board, Borderline

In this challenging game, you cannot play any tiles on the outermost edge of the board. This also means the "pink" tiles cannot be played.

Vowel Mill

Any word using three or more vowels from the rack will get a free turn.

For example: Your opponent, Jim, plays the word BLACK. You then make the word BEAU using the B in BLACK and an E, A, and U from the current rack. You get a free turn. You then make the word EAU by using the U in BEAU, an A, and an E from the rack. You do NOT get a free turn, and your opponent, Jim, takes his turn.

Copy Cat

Copy any existing word on the board for a free turn.


What types of tournaments are there?


After one loss, you are eliminated.


After two losses, you are eliminated.

Regular Swiss

You play until there is one undefeated person.

True Swiss

You play the assigned number of rounds.


What are "tournament themes"?


In this theme, you come into the Wordox Room under a disguised alias. I currently do not know how to this under the new server.


This theme tests your knowledge of facts and riddles. The Tournament Director will ask a question. Whomever gets it correct first gets to pick the options for that round. There may be limitations on these options.


In this theme, you and another member team up and take on other two-person teams. You can aid your partner with plays and startegy in Private Message or in Instant Messaging (AOL, Yahoo, MSN).


In this theme, you take on two other people instead of one. In the very first round, there may be 1 v 1 just to even it out so that there are 3 people playing against each other in later rounds. This is always single elimination.


How do I play a "ladder match"?

Once you have someone you would like to play a ladder game against, set the options and play. Whomever loses must report a loss to the overall winner using the "Report Loss" System.
On our main page there is a bar on the left hand side. The Headings on that bar are as follows: Getting Started, The Ladder, Tournaments, Community, Account, Support, Special Events, Buy Stuff, Company.
Under "The Ladder" there is a subheading called "Report Loss". Enter the information it asks, and push the "Login" button. A page will come up where you can report the match.
On the "REQUIRED" side, enter your ladder name and password. Then enter the ladder name of the person you lost to. On the "OPTIONAL" side you may choose to enter a comment about the match---such as "tough" or "good game". Then click the button. The page that comes up will be statistics.
Your match is now reported! Congratulations.


What if a ladder match is not reported?