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Hey, ya'll! Don't actually have a lot to say, just a quick update to change some links around and whatnot. I'm thinking about doing an online comic, based around my everyday experiences and those of my friends. I'm working on character concept right now, and fine tuning my drawing ability, so I don't know when I'll have the pilot up.

Anyway, also decided to do away with my old DoomsDayRecords site. I'm thinking it's gonna help house images and other scriptings, dunno yet. It's all still in it's developing stage. The Message Board is now right here on this page. :)

That's all for now! Take care, and if any of you have any ideas for a story, I'm really in need for a new one.
Hello everyone! Just a quick update. I'm still working on finding a new story, but in the mean time, I've decided to put a direct link to the Members of Happy BBS right on this page. Here it is. It's still the Members of Happy BBS, but it's for anyone and for anything now, not just party info, so post away, keep in contact with it, whatever. :)

I'm starting a mailing list of everyone who'd like to be notified of updates. For now, just email me at and I'll put you on that, but eventually, I'll prolly have a submit form for that.

Speaking of updates, if anyone is interested in doing more than just reading the stories here, and would like to write some too, go ahead and send me the story and photos, and the name you'd like the story to be credited to. I'll give it a good look through, and if OI like it, it'll get posted. The stories do not need photos, but they always help. If you can't get me photos, I might be able to send my investigation team in to get some photos. Any idea can be helpful, and you'll get credit for it, I promise! Anyway, that's all for now! Byee! :)
Well, I finally finished the work on my first article to expose the truth behind the mysteries of suburbia. What I found will both scare you into a huddled, actionless mass and galvanize you into action. Try to find that at another webiste! Go on, find it! Ok, don't leave, the article is right here, so go have a look. :) Just a word of warning, the page is very picture-heavy, so it might take a while to load the entire thing. Have fun!
So I was thinking to myself, what could I do with this page that will set it apart from other pages out there? Sure, I'll do a "Here's a little bit about me" page and a "Lookit all my friends" page, but what else? What could I put out in front of my visitors that would burn its way into their retinas and leave them clawing their eyeballs for more? Then I came to a conclusion: I will investigate unsolved mysteries of suburbia and expose the shocking truth they hold! So here I am, wandering around Norfolk with nothing but a digital camera and my wits. I've already started a story, and hopefully I'll have that up very soon...
Here's some sites that have more substance than mine. They be my friends! Try 'em out.

Jeanne's Bottle, a great site with tons of pics!

Julia's Page, another fun site to visit, with crayon drawings that look like they were done by a five year old.

Last Updated 7/31/2002