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February 1st

Ahhhh....Imbolc.  The return of the sun.  The green of the trees begins to bud, the living beings of Mother Earth begin to come out of hibernation and flourish.

Imbolc is the time of year when the God is in His infancy.  The Goddess glows in her Motherhood radiance. The festival of Imbolc, sometimes referred to as Candlemas, is also known as the Festival of Lights.  Traditionally, it is the light of the sun that is returning from the winter darkness.  The days grow longer and the God's energy waxes.

Although technically still in Her crone phase, the Goddess was traditionally celebrated in Her Celtic Triple aspect as the Maiden Brid (breed), also referred to as Brigid, Brigit or Bride.  In the Catholic faith she is known as St. Brigit.  Brid is the bringer of knowledge and memory as well as the Mother of All.

Each year, Mother Earth renews herself, from the virginal state to Samhain or Death.  Pagans celebrate this time of year symbolically with candles to represent the return of the sun and the shortening of the nights. Brid is pictured with a headdress of candles, the Festival of Lights.

Brid also represents the fertility of the Earth, and for that reason, in ritual, a chalice of milk can be poured unto the Earth, giving thanks and nurturing to our Mother, which she has so generously given us.

Imbolc is a time of year to begin community service, sharing of the spirit and the self and to give hope for those without. Giving to others of yourself, or plan a park clean-up, recycling party, take old newspapers or aluminum cans to be recycled or even tend to your garden to show your appreciation for nature!


The Brid Corn Dolly

At Lughnasadh, one of the activities is to make a corn dolly.  This ancient ritual represented the Earth Mother harvest and all She represents as the crop is harvested and stored for the coming winter months. If you haven' created a corn dolly already, you can plan this craft within the ritual.  All you need is a dried corn husk, a dried ear of corn, some decorative beads, cloth or ribbon and a little imagination!


Symbolic colors

White, Light Blue, Green and Rose



Several white candles, a red candle to represent the maiden, and a black candle for the crone.