Theses be a few Invocation i have foundith on the internet, books and people like you


A Faerie Call

Faerie children come and play
brightest blessings to the Fae
come and worship
bless this rite
Celebrate with us tonight.

Invocation of the Elements

Air, Fire, Water, Earth,
Elements of astral birth,
I call you now; attend to me!
In the Circle, rightly cast,
Safe from curse or blast,
I call you now, attend to me!

From cave and desert,sea and hill,
By wand, blade,and pentacle,
I call you now, attend to me!
This Is my will, so mote it be!

Invocation to the Elements #2

Come to me Air, so cool and clear
My words come with ease and also no fear
Give me sharp mental focus, creativity too
So that positive ends spring from all that I do.

Come to me Fire, brilliant and bright
Give me strength and forthrightness all through my life.
Warm me with truth and power to set right
Whatever is wrong through love and its light.

Come to me Water, silky and free
Compassion and empathy now give to me
For soothing life's troubles, both mine and my friends'
Understanding and peace from your rivers you send.

Come to me Earth, plants, animals and gold
Allow me to grow with the grace of a doe.
Serene and content, with standards so high
Give me purpose, stability and and the will to try.

Come to me, Akasha, my spirit transform
By all the elements, Your blessing perform.
Help me to balance all I receive
So that this Witch's life says to all, Blessed Be!

I call the light of golden rays
I seek protection thus', I pray.
For heavenly forces at my side
Angels, Sages, spirit guides
Or wolves who walk with cunning skill
Come to my aid! Come at my will!
Black bird soaring, light my path
So I am victim to no one`s wrath!
And when my journey at last succeeds,
All those who aid me, Blessed Be!

        R E Goodwin

The Calling of the Wind
Whistle thrice in the direction of east. Stand after whistling and intone in a strong voice:
Wind, power of air! Come forth to this day!
Blow out the old and whisk in the new.
Let me call the winds, the winds of change!

J. Sert

A Daily Devotional Prayer

By the Star
By the Rose
By the Cup that She holds
Pouring forth Her Gifts
of Life, Peace and Wisdom
So may Her Blessings fill
my Life this day,
Blessed Be.

An Altar Blessing
From the Mystic Light
to fertile Foundations
On the Shores of the waters
of Our Hopes and Dreams.
On the Wings of Wind
of Light and Inspiration
With the Inner Flame Kindled
Divine spark and gleam.
Back to the Light
For Manifestation
Swiftly fulfilled,
Moves the Unseen.
By the Moon, the Stars and the Sun
By the God, the Goddess and Ancient Ones
Blessed be this Altar and all here-on
Good for all and harming none

A Prayer for Moon-gazing.       

Silver moon, silver light,
protect me all throughout the night.  
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