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Dragon (general): Dragons are teachers, warriors and protectors. They symbolize the Great Mother Goddess, matriarchy, benevolence, divinity, royalty, the supernatural, infinity, change, elemental magick and spiritual instruction. They are connected to Mithras, Horus, Apollo, Indra, Aruna and Soma.

(Eastern): Eastern dragons are more serpentine looking and often whiskered. They specifically symbolize the power of the ruler, masculinity, yang, porosperity, rain, wisdom and hidden secrets.

(Western): Western dragons are more reptilian, more massive and often have large, almost batlike, wings. They specifically symbolize fire, confrontation, danger and seclusion.

Griffon/Gryphon/Griffin: Gryphons are guardians. They symbolize spiritual enlightenment, the seasons, the relationship between psychic energy aand cosmic forces. They are connected to the Sun, the Sky and the Earth as well as Nemesis and Apollo.

Pegasus: Pegasi symboplize inspiration, poetry, grace, freedom from eartly cares, astral travel, transformation of evil to good, fame and eloquence. They are connected to Demeter and Osiris.

Phoenix: The Phoenix is a symbol of resurrection, rebirth, spiritual growth, strength and energy for life trials, fire and royalty. It is a a lunar/solar symbol and is connected to Osiris, Ra and Circe.

Unicorn/Ch'i-lin/Ky-lin/Ki-rin: Unicorns are symbols of innocense, good will, fame, prosperity, healing, gentleness, purity of mind, personal power, naivety, joy, life, nature and freedom. They are connected to Artemis, Diana and moon goddesses in general.