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Jessie is the most bestest girl ever to walk the face of this shallow minded god forsaken green earth! And now that we have that all straightened out.. As you may.. and probably do know.. My name is Ryan Smith and I live in Iowa.. And for those of you who have never heard of Iowa, (and there are a few) Iowa is one of the 50 states that make up the United States of America.. It's the one that has the corn.. You know.. the one that sane people sorta shy away from.. ..Anyway I started to make this page and then forgot why I decided to make it. So I guess I'm just going to put things in here that I want people to know. For example: "I would like you to know that I only have like 10 friends.. tops.." or "Did you knw that when I sleep I sometimes drool?" See? Things like that. See that picture in the upper left corner? Thats me.. But don't be afraid.. my eyes usually arent yellow.. This page was last updated on April 27th.. reeeeeaal early in the morning.. I'll continue to update this page.. be patient.. And remember.. ....i forgot what you were supposed to remember. >.<

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