October 19th, 2002
Wow! I have been so busy! I started school in September, and things have just been really crazy since then. But's all good, because I'm making new friends and I think that's great. And my classes are okay, with the exception of Math. I hate that class. But Psych. is definitely my favorite, not to mention this really hot guy that's in the class. ;o)

Speaking of being busy...I didn't get home until 12:30 last night. Why you ask? Because I was at a No Doubt concert. Hell yeah. I won two tickets to see them last Saturday. PST was giving them away, and I was the 97th caller so...I won. I was so hyped up about that. The Distillers and Garbage opened for them...I didn't even go in when The Distillers were there. My friend and I just stayed out where they sell the food and shirts and all that crap. But we went in when Garbage went on. It was a really good show. Way better than the Hanson concert I went to in seventh grade. This one way just a tad more grown up. And the Goo Goo Dolls are playing near me, and since they're having the concert at the university, it's only open to staff and students. So, I have access to tickets, and you better believe I'm getting them. I love the Goo Goo Dolls. The concert's on November 8th, and it's gonna rock. Anyway, I know this isn't a very lengthy update, but I'm exhausted and I wanna go to bed. So, I just figured I'd let everyone know that I'm still alive and all that. Later!





krystal;18;new jersey;aunt;sister;AIM freak;
shopping;sno-globes;attic treasures;unicorns & fairys;reading;shy;dancing;movies;family;
good friend;strong;ford mustang;broadway;
chocolate;music;six flags;halloween;beaches;
jewelry;savage garden;affirmation;crossing jordan;concerts;phantom fan;


Date: 10-19th-2002

Time: 12:25 am

Hearing: Silence...and I'm lovin it.

Wearing: Pajamas.

Eating: Nothing.

Drinking: Water

Thinking: I need sleep.

Looking: The school website.

Wanting: A laptop.

girl; you; site; exit; book; contact;
AE wishlist