#include #include #include #include //Function: opener //Input: nothing //Output: nothing void opener(); //Function: menu //Input: nothing //Output: nothing int menu(int shiparray[10][10], int y); //Function: instructions //Input: nothing //Output: nothing void instructions(); //Function: cleararray //Input: shiparray //Output: shiparray void cleararray(int shiparray[10][10]); //Function: setup //Input: nothing //Output: shiparray a value determining if setup was completed int setup(int shiparray[10][10]); //Function: displayboard //Input: shiparray //Output: shiparray void displayboard(int shiparray[10][10]); //Function: play //Input: shiparray //Output: nothing void play(int shiparray[10][10]); //Function: cleararray2 //Input: array //Output: array int cleararray2(int shiparray[10][10]); //Function: displayboardsetup //Input: array //Output: nothing void displayboardsetup(int shiparray[10][10]); //Function: askagain //Input: nothing //Output: choice int askagain(); //Function: mainprog //Input: nothing //Output: nothing int mainprog(); //Main body int main() { int answer = 0; do { //go to the main program answer = mainprog(); }while(answer != 2); //clear the screen and exit clrscr(); return 0; } //Function: mainprog //Input: nothing //Output: nothing int mainprog() { clrscr(); //initiate graphics mode int graphdriver = DETECT, graphmode; initgraph(&graphdriver, &graphmode, "c:..\\bgi"); //initialize and clear the array int answer = 0; int shiparray[10][10]; cleararray(shiparray); int num = 0; //display some text in graphics mode opener(); //what a waste of graphics closegraph(); //go on to the menu answer = menu(shiparray, num); return answer; } //Function: askagain //Input: nothing //Output: choice int askagain() { //variables int choice = 0; //do while loop asking if they want to go again do { clrscr(); cout << "*************************" << endl << "* 1.)Play again? " << endl << "* 2.)Quit " << endl << "*************************" << endl << "Enter your choice: "; cin >> choice; //error handling }while(choice != 1 && choice != 2); //return their choice to the menu function return choice; } //Function: displayboardsetup //Input: array //Output: nothing void displayboardsetup(int shiparray[10][10]) { clrscr(); //display the numbers identifying the columns cout << " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"; for(int row = 0; row < 10; row++) { cout << endl<< " ------------------------------------------" << endl //display the row number << row << " | "; for(int col = 0; col < 10; col++) { //if its a 0, which all of them are except ships if(shiparray[row][col] == 0) cout << " " << " | "; //if its a ship display a 1 else cout << shiparray[row][col] << " | "; } } cout << endl << " ------------------------------------------" << endl; } //Function: play //Input: shiparray //Output: nothing void play(int shiparray[10][10]) { //variables int x; int row = 0; int col = 0; int hits = 0; int guesses = 0; //loop allowing them to play until they win or lose do { //loop making sure their rows and columns are valid do { clrscr(); displayboard(shiparray); //display their game info cout << "Hits: " << hits << " Guesses left: " << 50-guesses << endl; //input the coordinates cout << "Guess where a ship is (ex: 3 4): "; cin >> row >> col; //if special characters //instructions if(row == 111 && col == 111) instructions(); //quit if(row == 555 && col == 555) { //to allow to quit x = 1; break; } //error handling validating rows and columns }while(row < 0 || row > 9 || col < 0 || col > 9); //making sur they haven't already guessed there if(shiparray[row][col] == 2 || shiparray[row][col] == 8) { clrscr(); displayboard(shiparray); cout << "You've already guessed there!!"; delay(1000); } if(shiparray[row][col] == 1) { shiparray[row][col] = 8; hits++; } //if they guess wrong, their guess counter increments if(shiparray[row][col] == 0) { shiparray[row][col] = 2; guesses++; } //making sure they haven't won if(hits == 16) { clrscr(); cout << "You've won!!!"; delay(2000); } //if they guess right an 8 is displayed as a hit if(guesses == 50) { clrscr(); cout << "You've lost!!!"; delay(2000); } //until they win or lose }while(guesses < 50 && hits < 16 && x != 1); } //Function: displayboard //Input: shiparray //Output: shiparray void displayboard(int shiparray[10][10]) { clrscr(); //output the column numbers cout << " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"; for(int row = 0; row < 10; row++) { cout << endl<< " ------------------------------------------" << endl //output the row number << row << " | "; for(int col = 0; col < 10; col++) { //for the game if its a 0 replace w/ space if(shiparray[row][col] == 0) cout << " " << " | "; //if its a ship replace w/ a space if(shiparray[row][col] == 1) cout << " " << " | "; //if its a hit, display a hit if(shiparray[row][col] == 8) cout << "8" << " | "; //if its a miss, display the miss if(shiparray[row][col] == 2) cout << "2" << " | "; } } cout << endl << " ------------------------------------------" << endl; } //Function: setup //Input: shiparray //Output: shiparray a value determining if setup was completed int setup(int shiparray[10][10]) { //variables int x = 0; int row = 0; int col = 0; int menuchoice = 0; int pass = 0; int completed = 0; //make them setup 4 ships for(int a = 0; a < 4; a++) { //loop until valid input is gotten do { displayboardsetup(shiparray); //enter coordinates cout << "Enter a pair of coordinates (ex: 3 4): "; cin >> row >> col; //special characters //display instructions if(row == 111 && col == 111) instructions(); //exit the game if(row == 555 && col == 555) { //allows you to quit x = 1; break; } //validating rows and columns }while(row < 0 || row > 9 || col < 0 || col > 9 || shiparray[row][col] == 1); //validating if direction is ok do { //if 555 was entered, exit loop if(x == 1) break; //loop until valid input do { clrscr(); displayboardsetup(shiparray); //display choices cout << "Which way: 1.)Left 2.)Right" << endl << " 3.)Up 4.)Down" << endl << "So... Which one? "; cin >> menuchoice; //loop until valid info }while(menuchoice < 1 || menuchoice > 4 && menuchoice != 999); //if they want to restart setup if(menuchoice == 999) menu(shiparray, 0); //validate direction switch(menuchoice) { case 1: //if left is valid if(col - 3 >= 0) //if a ship isn't there if(shiparray[row][col] == 0 && shiparray[row][col-1] == 0 && shiparray[row][col-2] == 0 && shiparray[row][col-3] == 0) { //put a ship there shiparray[row][col] = 1; shiparray[row][col-1] = 1; shiparray[row][col-2] = 1; shiparray[row][col-3] = 1; pass = 1; } break; case 2: //if right if(col + 3 < 10) //if a ship isn't there if(shiparray[row][col] == 0 && shiparray[row][col+1] == 0 && shiparray[row][col+2] == 0 && shiparray[row][col+3] == 0) { //put a ship there shiparray[row][col] = 1; shiparray[row][col+1] = 1; shiparray[row][col+2] = 1; shiparray[row][col+3] = 1; pass = 1; } break; case 3: //if up if(row - 3 >= 0) //if a ship isn't there if(shiparray[row][col] == 0 && shiparray[row-1][col] == 0 && shiparray[row-2][col] == 0 && shiparray[row-3][col] == 0) { //put a ship there shiparray[row][col] = 1; shiparray[row-1][col] = 1; shiparray[row-2][col] = 1; shiparray[row-3][col] = 1; pass = 1; } break; case 4: //if down if(row + 3 >= 0) //if a ship isn't there if(shiparray[row][col] == 0 && shiparray[row+1][col] == 0 && shiparray[row+2][col] == 0 && shiparray[row+3][col] == 0) { //put a ship there shiparray[row][col] = 1; shiparray[row+1][col] = 1; shiparray[row+2][col] = 1; shiparray[row+3][col] = 1; pass = 1; } break; } //loop until a valid direction is chosen }while(pass != 1); //reset pass to 0 pass = 0; //if they chose to exit if(x == 1) break; if(a == 3) completed = 5; } //reset x to 0 x = 0; clrscr(); displayboardsetup(shiparray); //wait until all go cout << "You've completed setup, press any key to continue to game"; getch(); return completed; } //Function: cleararray //Input: array //Output: array void cleararray(int shiparray[10][10]) { //clear the contents of the array for(int row = 0; row < 10; row++) for(int col = 0; col < 10; col++) shiparray[row][col] = 0; } //Function: instructions //Input: nothing //Output: nothing void instructions() { //display the instruction stuff clrscr(); cout << "***********************" << endl << "* Setup Instructions: *" << endl << "***********************" << endl << "* In setup, enter the coordinates of where you" << endl << " want to playce a ship." << endl << "* It will display the choices of which" << endl << " directions you want it to go." << endl << "* Choose a direction." << endl << "* TO START SETUP OVER WHEN CHOOSING A DIRECTION" << endl << " TYPE 999" << endl << "* Repeat this 4 times." << endl << "* Enter 555 555 in the rows and" << endl << " columns at any time to exit the game." << endl << "* Enter 111 111 in the rows and" << endl << " columns at any time to view the instructions." << endl << "* A 1 indicates the placement of a ship." << endl << endl << "Press any key to continue..."; getch(); clrscr(); cout << "**********************" << endl << "* Play Instructions: *" << endl << "**********************" << endl << endl << "* Enter row and column pairs to guess the" << endl << " position of a ship." << endl << "* You will have 50 tries to sink all ships." << endl << "* Hits will be marked by a 8." << endl << "* Misses will be marked by a 2." << endl << "* Enter 555 555 in the rows and" << endl << " columns at any time to exit the game." << endl << "* Enter 111 111 in the rows and" << endl << " columns at any time to view the instructions." << endl << "* Have fun, and good luck!!!" << endl << endl << "Press any key to continue..."; getch(); } //Function: menu //Input: nothing //Output: nothing int menu(int shiparray[10][10], int y) { //declare variables int answer = 0; int menuchoice = 0; int complete; do { do { clrscr(); cout << "**********************" << endl << "* 1.)Instructions *" << endl << "* 2.)Setup *" << endl << "* 3.)Play *" << endl << "* 4.)Quit *" << endl << "**********************" << endl << "Enter your choice: "; cin >> menuchoice; }while(menuchoice < 0 || menuchoice > 5); switch(menuchoice) { case 1: instructions(); y=1; break; case 2: if(y==1) { complete = setup(shiparray); if(complete == 5) y=2; } break; case 3: if(y==2) { play(shiparray); answer == askagain(); } break; case 4: clrscr(); cout << "Thanks for playing"; answer = 2; delay(1000); break; } }while(menuchoice != 4); return answer; } //Function: opener //Input: nothing //Output: nothing void opener() { //output "battleship" settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT, 0, 6); setcolor(YELLOW); outtextxy(65, 150, "BATTLESHIP"); settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT, 0, 0); outtextxy(220, 250, "Press any key to continue..."); getch(); cleardevice(); }
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