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In the beginning

My name is Sarah-Jane, I am 20 years old turning 21 on December 24th. Which makes me a capricorn. I live in Adelaide, Australia (not the best place in Australia I may add). Well I have 2 brothers, and 2 sisters, 2 neices and 2 nephews. I don't live with my parents, that would be all hell.

My hobbies are, singing (especially when no one is listening), dancing at clubs, writing long letters, reading about the occult, drawing, painting and writing poetry.

I am wiccan and have been for as long as I can remember. Wicca is a pagan religion that works with the laws of nature and the moon. As a wiccan yes I do genurally cast spells and what not, but not I don't worship the devil, actually I don't believe in the devil. You can find out more about wicca by clicking on one of the links below......... I have more information about wicca that might help people understand.

I am currently learning Scottish Gaelic and am having a little trouble with it. I also know basic German, basic Dutch, basic Slovenian and really really want to learn Russian and Japenese. I started learning Japenese at High School but I always argued with the stupid teacher, she was such a bitch.

I have alot of pets including, a 10 foot Queensland carpet python, a Dawin carpet python, a Murray-Darling carpet python, a Centrilian carpet python, 2 Water Dragons, a German shepherd, and a Persian Chinchilla Cat. The funny thing is my dog is really scared of cats, when she was a pup my kitten scratched her on the nose and ever since she has been real scared. Even the neighbourhood cats know it as well. I have caught the cat nextdoor, teasing her under the back gate. I will try to in clude some pictures of my pets, but I can't promise anything.

I am a really fun, chick who likes to party and have fun. If you want to know more about me then let me know by emailing me or you could even send me a message on ICQ my number is: 98540267

My favorite quote would have to be:

"Men are like clothes, you gotta try before you buy"

Oh in reguards to the pic of me, yes the guy is a stripper, at a local Irish Pub on Thursday nights and no I am not grabbing his ummmmmm appendage he put my hand there just before the pic was taken, it is not like I asked for it anyway........

just thought I would clarify that for you all


All About Wicca/Witchcraft

My Pets