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Suggested reading....Liber XXX or Liber 30
Theory of the Circle.

Gestures and the possiblities.

When preforming a ritual, i feel that you can encapsulate the moment and or feeling of the ritual into a simplistic hand gesture. Doing this would take the levels from verbal to non-verbal. Non-Verbal Communication, or NVC as the late Robert Monroe would call it, is much more prevelant in the human system. Magick, after all, is just the communication between the many different states of the human consciousness and the realm of the goDs. Visualisation and application... So, if we were to take a ritual and "convert" it to just gestures, how much of this proverbial BS would we save ourselves from? (yes, lazyness is speaking now, for the lazy man will find the quickest path to the target.) Imagine a world where opening the circle would consist of holding your hand out in front of you and just drawing the points upon your spread fingers as they cut through the air like blades?!?! And what if you pull them together quickly to draw down the cone of power?!?!...Simplicity is what I make of this. Yeah, maybe there is alot of ritual left out of this process, but, what is ritual...the formalization of a process? Why not get the start and end over quickly and spend more time focusing on the matter at hand than trying to set up your temple and banish things that might be troubling you or might be of harm to you? Prayer, for instance, starts with the folding of hands....just a gesture that you are about to make a profound statement to "the being of choice". This is idolized by making reverant the time that you are contemplating what you are saying to the being that you choose. An act of "making holy" this time by preforming a sacred act. Interesting. (I am now going to communicate the things that I wish to happen to my god....Now.) Think on these things...let me know.

.-+M+-. 18sep02@2236