Pagoda City Inc.

Hello folks. This is my personal website, and as such I'm happy to have you visit. My name is Willard Anthony Strickland the Second. Mouthful, huh? Just call me Tony. Or Dogstar, or Pratz Strike, or TailsInRequiem, or any of a dozen names I've used over the years online. I'm a veteran roleplayer and video gamer, and also want to be a writer one day. Other than that, I'm content just to have someone to love and to live my life. But in any case, I'll talk more about me in the appropriate section. For now, just sit back and enjoy.

Dark Age Of Camelot Screenshots


Pictures And Photos


Personality Tests

Current Music Playlist

Am I Hot Or Not?


Felix is thinkin' about some Kohan : Immortal Sovreigns.