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Enemies of the heir beware... days until The Chamber of Secrets opens.
Award Categories
Best Website
Best Banner
Best Fan-Fiction
Best Desktop
Best RPG Website Judging Criteria

My Stuff
My Banners
My Desktops

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If you are looking for the best of the best in the Harry Potter online world, then you have come to the right place. Here you can find the best Harry Potter websites, RPG's, Fan-fiction, banners, and desktops... With more categories to be added soon. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and take a look around. And don't forget to nominate your favorites

Happy Birthday Harry Potter! I can't believe it's already the end of July, that means I only have 2 more months until I start College(Go Ducks!). Well, I still haven't received any nominations for anything, I can't say when the judging will start, or even when I'll be accepting judging apps. until I get a few nominations in each category. So, I have started to nominate a few things that I think are pretty good. But that kinda defeats the purpose. So NOMINATE SOMETHING!! And while your at it, vote in the poll to the right, and add a few of your favorite Harry Potter quotes below!

Today I am officially opening this website to the public...Hopefully I will start getting some nominations pretty soon, so the judging can get underway. Make sure you hurry up and nominate your favorites...As soon as I get a few nominations in each category I will start accepting applications for judges, if you are interested in being a judge make sure you come back in a while.