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Of The Planeswalker Guild

Here is some basic information about the planeswalker guild. If you have any questions, or wish to join, email me

The Planeswalker Guild is a roleplaying guild. The characters of all members must be planeswalkers ,and also must be on the side of good. Though evil can be fun, we stick to good here.

The Planeswalker Guild doesn' We usually go out drinking and wander the multiverse looking for fun. Unlike many other guilds we DO NOT have a set leader. All members are created equal and have an equal say. We try to stay out of fights as drinking and having fun is more preferable. Our general purpose is to unite planeswalkers with their rare bretheren.

How to join. You can join The Planeswalker Guild by e-mailing me with a description of your character. Currently we are only available on AOL, but we are willing to expand to other mediums such as Yahoo. Thank you for your time.

- Ace

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