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Pagan Page

Welcome to my Pagan page! Here I will give you the Basic Paganism 101 I wrote all this myself, so please, don't take it. Images you can horde to your heart's content..but my writtings leave them be. That'a all I ask. I will include pictures when I can. Sit back, enjoy, open your mind, and learn about a different spiritual path. I wrote this in the reflection of how I veiw paganism.

Basic Beliefs

As with all religions, the beliefs will vary, some only slightly, and some greatly. However some of the more "basic" beliefs are, in general, accepted by most Pagans. First, a belief is a dual-deity, or two Divine Spirits, The God and The Goddess (AKA The Lord and Lady). Neither is more important than the other, though at times emphases on only one Deity may be present. These two Divine Forces are generally seen as living things, easy to interact with. They are present in everything, from fellow humans, to water, animals, trees, all of creation. They are the representation of balance and unity. The Earth is seen as a living, feeling entity. Sometisalled Gia, or Mother Nature, She is to be respected, and not taken for granted. Asking permission to use resources (wood for a fire, herbs for potions, healing, tea, etc and the taking of animals for food), and thanking the Earth for letting us use these resources is seens as respectful. Karma is another basic belief in Paganism. Since Pagans don't believe in the Christian concept of Hell, we believe that we are responsible for whatever actions we take. Whatever we do, good or bad, will come back to us. Reincarnation is another basic belief. It is believed that after we die, our spirits are sent to a place of rest called Summerland. We may rest there as long as we wish, and will have the choice of staying, coming back to Earth as a new person to learn new lessons, or continue lessons we left unfinished in a previous life, or we may become one with the Divine (called Nirvana by Buddists).

The Altar

The altar plays an important part of Paganism. It is the center during Rituals, holds Ritual Tools and statues of the God and Goddess, and is a reminder to us what it is we worship. The altar is a sacred thing, while in use (in case your living room coffee table serves as an altar) should not hold mundane things. The altar can be made from a piece of plywood placed on cement blocks, a small table, a wooden chest, or your living room coffee table.

Ritual Tools

The following are the tools that are used during Rituals, or spells. Not all tools are neccisary (in fact when in a pinch all you really need is yourself), but these make it more graceful, and for some can help focus their attention. You shold expereiment with these tools to fgure out which you "click" with, and those you don't. Word of advice: Before you go out and buy all the tools listed here, decide which are of most practical use to you. If you feel you need a athame and a wand, first use a double-edged kitchen knife, and a dowel rod from the local hardware store. Feel them out..then if you feel drawn to both..then if you have the money buy something more fancy. No use in spending larg amounts of money on a tool you won't use.

Altar cloth: This is used to cover the altar itself from being stained with juice or candle wax. During Sabbats or Esbats a certain color cloth may be used for decoration and to help "bring in the season". The cloth can be any material purchased at your local Wal-Mart or sewing store. The usual colors used are white, or black..but some use a sun, moon and star patterned cloth.

Altar/Elemental candles: These are the candles used on the altar itself. They can range from just the God and Goddess candles, to the God and Goddess candles and the elemental candles, depending on how large your altar is. Usually the God and Goddess candles are tapered, and the elemental candles are votive. The Goddess candle can be either white or silver, the God candle can be either yellow or gold. These are placed either behind or to the side of the God/Goddess statues. The elemental candles corespond with their respective colors: Red-Fire, Yellow-Air, Green-Earth, Blue-Water. These are placed according to thier direction (North-Earth, East-Air, South-Fire, West-Water). If your altar is not large enough to support all the candles, then the elemental candles can be markers for the four corners/elements during a Circle casting.

Altar Tile: This is a wooden or metal symbol of either a pentagram (5-pointed star w/ a circle) or a pentacle (just the 5-pointed star), single-point facing up. It symbolizes humans interaction w/ the earth, and trying to keep the spirit before the body.

God/Goddess Statues:

Hera: Greek Goddess of Marriage.

Isis: Egyptian Goddess of Motherhood.

Quan Yin: Buddists Goddess of compassion and mercy.

Anubis: Egyptian God of the Underworld.

These are small statues placed on the upper left and right hand sides of the altar. They are representations of the God and Goddess. They may be simple or eleaborate. They may be statues of Gia and the Horned God, or Green Man, or of a particular deity (Isis and Osiris for example).

Incense/Incense Burner: Incense is used to bring our prayers up to the Lord and Lady. It is also used to help cast the circle, and represent the element of Air. Incense comes in stick, cone and powder form. I prefer stick incense b/c it is easy to light, and clean up. Be sure to chose an incense burner that is right for the type of incnse you use. Certain scented incense can be used for spells, or Rituals, but sandalwood incense can be substituted for anything (and it smells nice too!)


This is a small, usually black-handled, double-edged dagger. It is sued to cast circles, charge and bless items, and direct energy. It is the symbol of masculinity. This can be a small double-edged kitchen knife, to an actual dagger. Flea markets sell them pretty cheap as just plain daggers.

*Boline: This is a small, usually white-handled, curved, or single-edged dagger. It is used to cut herbs, or cut symbols into candles. Once again, can't beat the flea market.
*Personally, I see no need for two different daggers, but some do.

Sword: A larger version of the athame. Same purposes utilized.


A small broom used to sweep an area to create sacred space. It dispells and sweeps away negative energy. Home Depot, or Wal-Mart in the Arts and Crafts section.

Wand: A small stick used to charge and bless items, and used to cast a circle. Also directs energy. Can be made from a small fallen branch, or cut from a tree (ask permission and thanks), or a small dowel rod from your local Home Depot or Wal-Mart. Some very beautiful (and expensive) wands can be found online.

Staff: Larger version of the wand.


A ceremonial goblet used to hold juice or wine during the Cakes and Ale Rite. Can be made from silver, pewter or glass. A simple wine goblet from the kitchen department of any store will do, or order one online. It symbolizes femininity and the womb.


A cast-iron pot used to make potions, burn petitions and offerings, and powder incense. Another symbol of the womb.

Elemental Symbols: These are the things that may be placed on the altar to represent the four elements. They may be placed around the altar tile, or in their respective corners. I'll give a few examples, but use your imagination. Earth may be represented by soil or salt, or a green marble. Air may be a feather, or a stick of incense (this may be the incense you use to cast the circle). Fire may a red candle or even a Fire Ball candy. Water can be a small cup of ..well you know. If you use the same elemental symbols to mark your directions in the circle, they may be placed back on the altar after wards.

Esbats: These are the celebrations for the Moon. They are held during the Full and Dark moons. They celebrate the Goddess in her Mother and Elder (or Crone) form (Full and Dark). Magicks are done during these times...and may be continued durning the other phases of the moon. Full moon esbats are to bring in new things or to help things grow. (These spells may be starting durning the waxing of the moon) These celebrations are of the Goddess, as a mother, loving and nurturing. The Dark moon esbats are to banish negative things from our lives, such as breaking bad habits. These spells may be begun on the waning moon, and finished on the Dark moon. These esbats are also a time to contemplate Death and Rebirth, which the Elder Goddess represents.

Sabbats: There are 8 Sabbats in Paganism, Which celebrate the turning of the Wheel of Life. I won't go into great detail, but I will give a basic overview.

Yule/Winter Solstice (December 21 or 22): This is the time of year when the God returns from the Underworld, birthed by the Goddess. Day and night are equal. The sun (one of the symbols of God) is said to be reborn.The Goddess rests after her labor.

Imbolc/Bridgid's Day (Febuary 2): This is the time when Goddess recovers from her labor, rejuvinated. God is a youth. some honor the Celtic goddess Bridgid This is a time of purification and dedication. Many Dedication Rituals are done on this day.

Ostara/Spring Equinox (March 20 or 21): Once again, day and night are equal. This is a time of reproduction and renewal. Seen as a time to start new endevors, or create something new.

Beltane/May Day (May 1): This is the marriage and consumation of that. Seen as a celebrarion of unintiny, and fertility and healing. Flowers are given as gifts, the maypoles are danced around. Some like to make love w/ spouces at this time is hope of conseving.

Litha/Midsummer (June 21 or 22): The heigth of summer. The God and Goddess are strongest at this time. This time is used to celebrate fertility, love and health. Small gifts of love are given at this time. The Goddess has become pregnant w/ the God.

Lammas (Aug. 1): This is a time of transformation. Re-decorating a room or garden may be done, or tranforming a part of yourself for the better. The God inside the Goddess is seen to be growing, while the God is growing older.

Mabon/Autum Equinox (Sept. 20 or 21): The God has grown older, and is nearing Death. This is the final harvest where things are gathered in preperation for winter. Often seen as the Pagan Thanksgiving.

Samhain (Oct. 31): Some say this is the Pagan new year..i personal use Yule..but whatever feels right to you. God has passed away, and gone into the Underworld. The Goddess has followed, in mourning for her lost lover, but knows he will be reborn again at Yule. This is why things begin to die on the Earth. The veil between the world of the living and the dead is thin, and spirits may be contacted. This is a time to release old things, let them die. Also to contemplate on Death, and Rebirth.


The Circle is the sacred place where Rituals and spells are done. It is a sacred barrier of energy and love. It is a place often regarded as "a place betweem worlds", meaning a place where we, on this physical plane, cam be connected with beings on the spiritual plane and call on the aid of the Divine. Now this is not to say that magick, or prayers can't be done unless you're in a Circle. Not so. A Circle is like a temple, or sacred place. It's made of energy and when doing spells helps to focus energy.

Circle Casting/Calling Quarters/InvitingDeities

To cast a circle all you really need is yourself. However, most use tools to cast a circle. The five elements are used: air (incense), fire (red candle), water and earth combined (salt water), and the fifth element spirit (your own energy). This fifth element either being cast with your projective hand (the one you write with), an athame, or a wand. To cast a circle you can't just walk in a circle, pointing items at the floor or in front of you and say some words. You have to believe it, and really send energy. Try to feel the energy of the elements casting a barrier around, above, and below you. It's ok if you don't feel the barrier in the begining. Or you may feel it, even "see" it. Either'll learn.
To cast a circle, have your altar in the middle of where you will cast your circle, facing either East or North. Light the God/dess candles, light the incense. If you have elemental candles set up in your corners, light them as well. Take the lighted insence and starting in either the East or Northern corners, hold out the stick and say something like: "I cast this Cirlce, w/ the element of Air. May it bless and consencrate this Circle." Invision a sphereical barrier being formed. Perhaps a yellow light surrounding the area. Return the incnse to the altar (walking deosil, clockwise) and pick up the red candle, starting at your Point of Orgin (PO), walk deosil around your Circle and say something like: "I cast this Circle w/ the Element of Fire. May it bless and consencrate this Circle." Invision a red or flame barrier forming around, above, and below you. Return candle and pick up bowl of salt water. Starting from your PO sprinkle the salt water around the barrier and say something like: "I cast this Circle with the Element of Earth and Water. May it bless and consencrate this Circle." Invision water and soil or trees or blue and green light surrounding you. Now cast the cirlcle with Spirit, take yourself, or your athame, or wand and point it at the ground and try to feel the energy coming from your stomache and flowing through your arm into your hand and out of your index and middle fingers, or tool. This is the final sealing of the circle. Say something like: "I cast this Circle with spirit, in the name of the Lord and Lady. May They bless and consencrate this Circle." Invision a white light coming from your fingers or tools. When you get back to the PO, point your fingers or tool above you and invision a half-sphere of energy forming above you and say "As above". Then touch your fingers or tool to the ground, and invision another half-sphere of energy forming under the floor or ground below you and say "so below." After this, and placing the tool on the altar, and go to the directions and call on the Quarters. Start with the direction that you used to start your Circle. We'll use the Noth as the begining. Face the direction, raise your arm as in welcome and say something like: "Hail to you, gaurian of the North, element of Earth. I ask you to gaurd this Circle. Welcome and Bless'ed be." Walk deosil to the next direction and contnue the welcoming, replacing the direction names and elements with each coresponding direction/element. As you do, try to ivision the gaurdian of the quarter. When you've returned to your PO, say something like: "The Circle is cast. Only love may enter here." Now is the time to invite the God and Goddess and/or any other deities into the Circle. Stand before your altar. You may wish to stand in the respective God/dess posisions. (Goddess- feet spread shoulder-length apart, arms raised at an angle. God- Feet the same, except arms are crossed across chest), or you may stand however is welcoming and comfortable to you. Say something like: "Hail Lady and Lord! Creators of all life. Lady of Life, Love and the Moon, I (name), /invite you into my Circle. Welcome." Wait a moment and feel Her presence. Then say: "Hail Horned God! Lord of Life, Love, and the Sun. Consort of the Lady. I, (name), invite you into my Circle. Welcome."

Leaving the Circle

There may be times when you have to leave your Circle. Maybe you forgot an item, or..if you're like me... you drank something earlier and it just hit you that you have to go..NOW. Simply go to your PO, and cut a straight line in the Circle and say "A door has been cut." Open it as you would a curtain. to keep energy from leaving your Circle, close it back by reversing the direction of your cut. Do what you have to do, return to the Circle, make the door again, slip in, and close it again.

Releasing Deities/Quarters/Circle

After you have finished w/ your Ritual or spellcasting, it's time to release the Deities, Quarters and Circle. You are not dismissing the Deities or Quarters, rather you are saying good-bye as you would to a friend, who you will see again. When releasing the Deities, use the same format you used to invite them, but say something like: "Lady and Lord, thank you for coming to my Circle. Go if you must, stay if you will. Hail, and farewell." When releasing the Quarters, work counter-clockwise (widershins) from how you started (W, S, E, N). Using the same format, say something like: "Gaurdian of the West, Element of Water, thank you for gaurding my Circle. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and farewell." Continue until you end up at the N Quarter. To release the Circle, use the tool to cast it with. Walk widdershins and invision the barrier being taken back into your tool or yourself. When you get to the PO, point your tool above you and say "As above," and feel the half-sphere above you slipping into your tool. Then point it at the floor or ground and say "so below." Feel the half-sphere slipping into your tool. Stand and say some thing like: "The Circle is open, but never broken."

Cakes and Ale:

Cakes and Ale (or wine, juice, water) is the simple ceremony of partaking from the gifts that the Lord and Lady provide for us. It's also a form of grounding. Some do cakes and ale before releasing the Circle, some do it afterwards. Do whatever is right for you. Cakes may be cupcakes, a muffin, cookies, or even a handful of cereal. The ale may be ale, or wine or whatever. Before eating the cakes, raise it above the altar and say some thing like: "From the sun, to the Earth, from the Earth to the seeds, from the seed to the grain. Thank the Lord and Lady for this abundance."
Then before you eat say (if you are working alone) "May none ever hunger." or, if you are working in a group, hand the cakes to the person next to you and say "May you never hunger." Taking the Ale (or other drink) hold it over the altar and say something like: "From the Moon, to the vine, from the vine to the fruit, from the fruit to this cup. Thank the Lord and Lady for this refreshment." Before you drink say: "May none ever thirst."

Grounding Energy:

Grounding energy is done by calming yourself after a Ritual. Send your energy into Mother Earth, be clam, and let all the excess energy drain from you. If this is not done, you will feel very tired and energyless for the next day or so. (Trust me, I've been there..not fun)

Creating Holy Water

Holy water is the salt and water mixed together to cast the Circle. Take a small bowl or cup of water and ask the Lord and Lady to remove negativity from it, and bless it. Then take the salt and do the same. Place three pinches of salt in the water, and stir it deosil with your projective finger and say something like: "I mix this earth and water. May it be holy." Invision a white light stirring in with the water.

Blessing and Consencrating Tools

This is done to all tools and the altar. Some people have elaborate rites to consencrate their tools. I use a simple rite. Sinply take the tool, and hold it in your hand, pass your hand over it three times, invisioning a white light coming from your hand and say something like: "May the Lord and Lady cast all negativity from this tool. May They bless this tool for Their usage." With the altar, simply pass your hand over it three times and say something like the above. you may use the elements as well.

Gods and Goddesses

Some people only like to call on the Lord and Lady. Others call on other deities as a focus. Who you chose is your own choice, or they may call to you. My personal deities, besides the Lord and Lady are Quan Yin (aka Kwan Yin), Gia, and Isis. I have yet to find a god I have a special feeling for, but I am sure it will happen.

Recomended Books

These are some books that have been helpful to me. Drawing Down the Moon, The Goddess Path, Wicca for a Solitary Practicioner, Green Witchcraft, Living Wicca, Noctournal Witchcraft, Buckaland's Complete Book of Witchcraft. Go to a bookstore or local library and look for books on Wicca. All libraries catagorize the same, so I suggest looking under the 211 numbers. When in a bookstore look under the New Age section. For some good fictional reading, which can have some good views into the way the Old Religion was practiced a long time ago try reading the Avalon sereies.

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