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Thoughts of the Goddess...

May 1, 2002:

My new web page. Orion's a Goddess
I am Orion // 5/1/2002 08:58:12 PM


April 30, 2002:

My new web page link okay.... Thoughts of the Goddess.
I am Orion // 4/30/2002 10:41:39 AM


April 29, 2002:

She's purty.
I am Orion // 4/29/2002 10:55:23 PM


April 27, 2002:

Hey, been awhile. I got two jobs now. I work at Jack in the Box. It's crazy, but its work... Well I really haven't got much to say. I hurt all over, mostly my feet and my shoulders... Well thats all for right now.. okay.. Bai bai
I am Orion // 4/27/2002 07:20:56 PM


April 22, 2002:

Work, ~sigh~ It's a pain. All kind's of things are pains, but I get over them. Angry one day, happy the next. This one woman came through today, She had 8 pears, and they were the ones that were 20 cents each, 8 pears 20 cents, how much is that, not even two dollars right? So she throws a fit and says that they are a pound for 79 cents and I'm thinking, no they aren't they don't ring up that way, so I fixed them, and then you know what? She complained because they cost so much. I was like LISTEN WOMAN!!!! YOU THREW A HISSY FIT FOR ME TO FIX THESE DIBBED THINGS, SO I DID, AND NOW... NOW YOU ARE THROWING ANOTHER ONE?!?!?!?! As you can see I was quite mad, and what did I do? I humbly fixed the order and gave her my apology. And then THEN!!!!!!! I forgot FORGOT!!!!!! To take one one whole pear, just one twenty cent pear, off of the order, and she nearly went into conniptions. I was like.. oh god.. so I opened my register and I gave her the dibbed twenty freaking cents back, but it didn't matter, she still spent too much on those pars, but her pride wouldn't let her back out of it.. Thank god I have no pride... ~Giggle~ Okay well I came home, I got some free stuff at work, used my very first check today, Thank god I watched people fill theirs out or I wouldn't have known what I was doing.... So anyway, I'm still waiting on the lady at Jack in the Box. I was looking once again at another different apartment, maybe I won't get the one I wnated, maybe I'll get a different one. I don't know. So anyway.. I guess thats it.. Bai Bai
I am Orion // 4/22/2002 08:32:27 PM


April 18, 2002:

GERP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so worn out. Okay well I'm gonna work on a book right now.. sooo... Bai bai.
I am Orion // 4/18/2002 09:29:07 PM


April 17, 2002:

I've been working on Orion's Letters, Its really coming along. Now all I have to do is remember where I got my page counter at.... Duh........
I am Orion // 4/17/2002 10:46:13 PM


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"What time is it?" Sway "6:30, why?" Memphis. "Damnit I'm late for work." Sway "You're already at work..." "I have two jobs, I've found that you have to work twice as hard... When it's honest." ~Quote from Gone In Sixty Seconds.~


Orion's Letters to Everyone.
Morty the Death's Head
El Greatness... thats dan
Thats steffimouse
Rhia bo dia dun dun dun
This is Rhia's hot spot..
My character page
My book page
The final Rpg
Selphie's sick sick world page
Johnny... or Jihnny?
Andy's page
Shannon... She's so cool... and guess what...?
Rocco.. thats BH.. he's dreamy too....
Briar Rose.... I think I spelled that wrong.
Outlaw Star.. Who loves you? I love you
The Moonlit Road, Stories, and things.. I like...
Castle of Spirits.... more stories.
Look please.. its funny... if...
Verasia message board, Join!!!
AHHHH I like this one!!!!! More Hitchhiker stuff.
I am still checking this one out.. seems cool...
Corey's page... I don't know him, but I like it...
My mail, Why don't you use it? Its fast its simple, its easy to use. Almost like me...
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