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Nate's Sponsored Kids

These kids I sponsor through Out of Africa

Anna lives in rural Kenya. She is 9 years old.
Miriam also lives in a rural village in Kenya. She's 13 years old.

I sponsor these kids through the Alliance for Youth Achievement

Museheco 3rd grade
This is a 3rd grade class at the Museheco Children's Center in Nairobi, Kenya. My sponsorship makes it possible for these children to attend school. Their school fees are only $18 a year per child.
  Kwa Watoto
I also sponsor Mary at the Kwa Watoto school in Nairobi. Mary is the second from the left in the back row.

I sponsor a girl through AKIN (Adopt a Kid in Need), now known as Deep Roots Zambia

Through AKIN I sponsor 13 year old Theoma in Zambia. My sponsorship pays her school fees, so she can get an education. This is, by far, the least expensive of the sponsorship programs. A mere $20 a year can pay the school fees of an elementary school child.

This is the child I used to sponsor through Childreach

Isatu in Sierra Leone
Isatu was my sponsored child in Sierra Leone. We lost contact with her during the war that ravaged that country.

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