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Class: Student Race: Boomer, prototype generation Alignment: CG Level: 1 Size: Medium Age: 14 Gender: Female Height: 4'11" Weight: 109 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: White
Str 8, Dex 14, Con --, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14, Spd 30, Saves: Fort: 0, Ref: 4, Will: 0; hp 11, AC 12, Touch 12, Flat footed 10, Init +2, Atk: +2 melee (Damage: 1D3-1 unarmed, provoke AOE), +2 Ranged (Damage: by weapon).


Bluff +4, Computer Use +5, Diplomacy +6, Gamble +4, Jump +20, Knowledge: Boomer +5, Knowledge: Physical Sciences, Research +5, Speak Language (Japanese and Spanish), Sports +6

Boomer Abilities
Construct: immune to mind influencing effects, and to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death attacks, and necromantic effects. A construct cannot heal, but regeneration applies. Not subject to critical hits (but see below), subdual damage, ability damage, or energy drain. Immune to any effect that allows a fortitude save unless it also works on objects. Destroyed when brought to 0 hps. Cannot be raised or resurrected.
Damn Healthy: Simone has an extra 7 hps, as her boomer body is more resistant to damage than a normal human. (This is worked into the stats above)
Jump: Simone has a limited jumping ability, while nowhere near as powerful as a hardsuit's rockets, she does add +20 to jump checks. (This is worked into the stats above)
Regeneration: With Concentration Simone can regenerate 1 hp per round. Simone can not undertake any other actions while healing.
Reincarnation: Simone can regenerate from a copy of her personality if uploaded into a new core. Reforming her whole body can take several weeks unless assisted by a knowledgable boomer tech. She will maintain all the memories and personality she had at her last upload.

Boomer Weaknesses
Detectable: Sensors and equipment designed to detect boomers will detect Simone as such. When dropped below half health she is also obviously a machine.
Weak Point: Simone has a boomer core, this can be targeted with a called shot at -6 by people with knowledge of boomers and is considered hit on a critical with a natural 20. Destruction of the core instantly kills Simone.
Rouge: Simone can be driven rouge by physical contact with a rouge boomer. The rouge boomer must make a touch attack and take a standard action to infect her. Simone ghets a will save to resist, but the rouge boomer can reattempt to infect her every round. Once she goes rouge, she will attack non -boomers and attempt to drive other boomers rouge herself. Her stats change to str 20, Dex 16, int 2, wis 2, cha 2. When rouge she cannot differentiate friend from foe and will try to kill her former allies, and will fight to the death.

Student Abilities
Sixth Sense: (focus: rouge) Simone has an innate awareness of danger, especially related to rouge boomers. This ability has a range of 30 ft.
Divine Relationship: Once per game session, Simone can reroll a die she has made.