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Prestige Classes

Arcane Brawler

Hit Die: D8

Alignment: Non-Lawful
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Combat Reflexes
Spells: Must be able to cast Arcane Spells, including True Strike and at least one spell that can increase your physical attributes (ie Bull's Strength).

Class Skills

Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Jump (Str), Knowledge(Arcana) (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Tumble (Dex).

Skill points per level: 4 +int mod.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: No new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Arcane Charge
+1 level of existing class
Improved attack progression
+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class

Arcane Charge: You can use an uncast spell as an arcane charge. You gain an enhancement bonus to unarmed attack and damage rolls equal to the level of the spell you sacrifice. This effect lasts 10 minutes per level and is dismissable. Activating arcane charge takes a standard action. This is a spell-like ability.

Improved Attack Progression: You gain an additional attack +3 increase in your base attack bonus, instead of every +5 as long as you are using unarmed attacks or touch spells, similar to a monk. The maximum for this ability is at 5 attacks per round when your base attack bonus reaches +13.

Disciple of Famizar

Hit Die: D4

Alignment: NE, CE, and CN only.
Alchemy: 8 ranks
Spellcraft: 8 ranks
Knowledge (Religion): 8 ranks
Feats: Thrall to Demon, Brew Potion
Spells: Must be able to cast shapechange, any polymorph spell, or any epic spell with the transform seed.
Special: Must have undertaken a quest on behalf of Lord Famisar. this usually is something related to the balance of power among the Gods, Demon Lords, and Devil Lords.

Class Skills

Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Jump (Str*), Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Listen (Wis), Scry (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Int).

Skill points per level: 4 + int mod

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: No new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Mark of the Demon, +1 to existing class
Resistance to Poisons, +1 to existing class
Resistance to energy(5), +1 to existing class
+1 to existing class
Transformation Potion, +1 to existing class
Resistance to energy(10), +1 to existing class
+1 to existing class
Innate Magic, +1 to existing class
Resistance to energy(15), +1 to existing class
Fiend potion

Spells Per day: When a new level is reached (Except level 10) the Disciple of Famisar gain spells per day as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class she belonged in before adding the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefits of that class (turning or rebuking undead, familiar, feats, etc). If a character has more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Disciple of Famisar, she must pick which class she advances spellcasting in when she levels up.

Mark of the Demon(Ex): At level 1, the character is accepted into the service of the Lord of Cute and Fuzzy things. As a signal of her favor, she gains a minor physical trait as a tiefling, (i.e. glowing eyes, horns, feet turning into paws, etc). This transformation, while it may seem frightening in description, is always quite cute in reality. This transformation will increase her cha by 1, but will allow anyone with knowledge of Famisar to identify her as one of his chosen (Knowledge Religon) DC 15 for priests of Famisar, 20 for others)

Resistance to Poisons(Ex): As a part of the ongoing alchemal processes needed to transform the character, she comes into constant contact with minor posions, and builds up an immunty to them. The character can take 10 on any fort save against poisons.

Resistance to energy(Ex): The continued rituals, potions, and elixers the character takes during the transformation process grant a resistance to acid, cold, electricity, and fire. This resistance is 5 at level 3, 10 at level 6 and 15 at level 9.

Transformation Potion (Sp): At level 5 the character discovers how to make a potion to make her cuter. This potion costs 2000 GP and 160 XP to make. Taking the potion requires a fort save vrs poison (DC 14) or die (both initial and secondary damage are death). If the drinker survives it reduces her size category by 1 (see pg 12 of MM for all side effects of size loss, including and change to Str, Dex, Con, AC, Attack and natural armor) minimum of fine. This also gives a +2 circumstance bonus to all charima based skills and checks, except intimidate, which recieves a -10 circumstance penalty. This also gives claw and bite attacks, at the listed damage per size category in the half fiend template (see MM pg 215) If the creator of the potion drinks it, she also gains a +2 bonus to her charisma. The effects of the potion are permanent, but can be dispelled as a level 10 spell, suppressed by an antimagic field, and is also dispelled if the subject is killed. Taking this potion multiple times does not have any cumulative effect, but is still poisonous.

Innate Magic (Sp): At level 8, the character gains the ability to cast a non-damaging spell she knows as a spell like ability, at will. The spell like ability has no v or s components, but any DF, F, M, or XP components remain. She has an effective caster level of 1 for all effects of the spell including damage, duration, rolls for beating spell resistance, etc. Taking a prestige class (including this one) that grants the ability to increase an effective caster level can allow the character to increase this innate magic caster level instead of one of her other character classes' caster level, at her option. Most choose spells like improved invisibility, teleport without error, and heal but more offensive minded disciples learn indirect combat spells like summon monster, shapechange, and greater magic fang.

Fiend potion (Sp): At level 10, you gain the ability to create a potion that turns you into a fiend. Creating the potion costs 120 000 GP and 4 800 XP. Drinking the potion has an initial damage of 5D6 points of damage, secondary damage of being disintegrated (fort save, DC 20). The discintegration has no effect on any items the character was carrying. This potion has no effect on creatures immune to disintegration (ie Gods), creatures that normally survive disintegration (ie Tarrasque), or undead. The drinker can willingly fail the save. The soul of the creature effected by the potion is transported to the home realm of Famisar. If Famisar approves of the actions of the creature durring her life, The creature is resurrected as a demon. It now gains the half fiend template (see MM pg 215) and stops aging (treat the creature's current age category as having an infinite duration). The character's type changes to Outsider (chaotic, evil) and has Tanar'ri blood for the purposes of any weapons and magic items with racially specific Tanar'ri powers. If Famisar is not pleased, he will keep the soul for his own purposes. If a character drank the transformation potion mixed with the fiend potion, the duration of the transformation potion changes to instantaneous (and therefore can not be dispelled or suppressed) and becomes the natural form of the character. After drinking the potion, any levels taken in this class (including reaching level 10 the second time) give outsider HD (D8), attack bonus (+1/level as a fighter), skill points (8 + int modifier), and improved spellcasting (+1 caster level/level).

Azuma Ninja

The Azuma are a peerless group of dedicated assassins. They hold themselves to a strick moral principle, and are not assassins for hire, but consider themselves 'silent justice.' Although they can kill with a single strike like an assassin, they do not fight dirty. However, do to their stealth and skill training they don't devote as much time to swordplay as a true fighter. This class is mostly taken by ex monks and rogues, although rangers and even assassins can sometimes find benefit in this class.


Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Climb: 8 ranks
Hide: 8 ranks
Jump: 8 ranks
Move silently: 8 ranks
Feats: Expertise and Weapon Focus (any sword)

Weapon and armor Proficiencies: The Asuma are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, but gain no new shield or armor proficiencies.
Class Skills
Balance, Climb, Concentration, Escape Artist, Hide, Intuit Direction, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope, wilderness Lore.
Skill Points per level 8 + int mod.
Death Attack, One With The Sword
Silent Running (-5)
Light drop (-10ft), Ninja Trick
Silent Running (-10), Improved Swordplay
Chink in the Armor
Silent Running (-15), Light drop (-20ft)
Sense Ki
Silent Running (-20), Improved Swordplay
Light drop (-30ft)
Silent Running (perfect), Quick Assessment

Death Attack (ex): Like an assassin, the Azuma can make a death attack on an opponent who is caught unaware. If hit with a melee attack after being studied for at least 3 rounds the victim must make a fort save (DC is 10 + int modified + class level) or die. If the victom makes her save, the attack does bonus damage equal to the Azuma's class level. If the potential victim is aware of the Azuma and knows she is a threat this ability automatically fails (though it is still an attack).

One with the Sword (ex): At first level the Azuma chooses a type of sword she has focused in. Once chosen this cannot be changed. Whenever the Azuma makes an opposed roll using that weapon (ie sunder, disarming, etc) she gains a bonus to her roll equal to her class level. She is also considered to have her hand free for the purpose of feats like deflect arrows, as she can use her weapon as easily as if it were her limb. Azuma can also make climb checks with her favored sword drawn without penalty. Skills that require fine manual dexterity, like pick pockets, open locks, etc will still require the Azuma to have her hands free.

Silent Running (ex): Moving under constant stealth, the Azuma learns how to move quicky and silently. The penalties for moving silently at over half you speed are reduced by 5 at level 2, 10 at level 4, 15 at level 6 and are negated at level 8. At level 10, the Azuma automatically takes 20 on move silently checks.

Light Drop (ex): Azumas learn advanced techniques for cushioning themselves when falling from great heights. At level 3, and every 3 levels thereafter reduce the falling distance by 10 ft before calculating falling damage, provided there is a safe landing. For instance a level 9 Asuma can jump off a 40 ft tall wall without ill effect, but the same Asuma will take full damage from dropping into a 30 ft deep spiked pit trap, as she is damaged by the spikes.

Ninja Trick (ex): After level three an Azuma can learn a ninja trick from the following list instead of a feat:
Evasion Trick: Gain the evasion ability. Taking this trick twice grants the improved evasion ability.
Feign Death Trick: The Azuma gains the defensive roll ability and can use it in conjuction with a bluff check (opposed by her foe's sense motive check) to feign death.
Hide Trick: The Azuma's silent running benefits also apply to hide checks.
Magic Trick: The Azuma gains use magic device as a class skill.
Knockdown Trick: The Azuma can knock a foe prone with a standard attack action. In order for this to work you must hit with the attack. The foe can avoid with a Fort save (DC 10 + damage dealt). If successful the foe is knocked prone and distracted, which can allow the Azuma to escape and hide, or allow an Azuma with the cleave feat to attack another adjacent foe.
Skill Trick: Gain the Skill Mastery ability.

Improved Swordplay (ex): The damage dealt by the Azuma's favored sword increases by one die category at level 4, and an additional die category every four levels, to a maximum of a D20. Swords that deal multiple dice of damage (like a greatsword) only have the first die improved.

Chink in the Armor (ex): When studying a victim for a death attack, an azuma also looks for an opportune way to bypass armor. Reduce armor and natural armor bonuses of the victim in half for the death attack.

Sense Ki (Su): The Asuma can sense the presence of nearby creatures. This sense is limited to 60 ft, and only senses the closest creature. It also does not give direction, only distance (However an Azuma can estimate direction by moving and noting the change in distance with an intuit direction check DC 15). Asuma use this ability to sense if an opponent is on the other side of a wall or door, around a corner etc. If someone's attention is focused on the Asuma, this ability is disrupted, but the disruption is also noticed, giving the Asuma early warning. The asuma always gets to act on the surprise round (although she can still be caught flat footed by someone who beats her initative check). A creature as defined by this ability is anything that has a Cha score.

Quick Assessment (ex): The Azuma's death attack now only requires 1 full round of study before the attack can be attempted. The Azuma can also make a coup de grace as an attack action that does not invoke attacks of opportunity.

Epic Asumas - Epic Feats are available to Asuma Ninja starting at level 13, and every three levels thereafter. Light drop improves by 10 ft on every odd level. Bonus Feats: Blinding Speed, Dire Charge, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Speed, Epic Weapon Focus(favored sword only), Epic Will, Improved Death Attack, Legendary Climber, Legendary Leaper, and Superior Initiative.

Racial Classes


The Mazoku are a powerful race of creatures of pure chaos. While neither Slaadi or Tanari, they are often referred to as demons, even though they are native to the material plane. Where common they are simply called Monsters.
Most Mazoku are raised by surrogate parents of another humanoid race that their's true parents either abandoned them to as adoptive parents or swapped for an actual child. They will grow at the same rate as their adoptive race until reaching puberty at which point some of their special abilities start to manifest. These are often mistaken for sorcery in areas not well versed in Mazoku lore.

Ability modifiers: +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom. Mazoku are powerful, but impulsive.
Tiny, Small, or Medium: Mazoku shapes and sizes vary considerably, although they are all roughly humanoid. Mazoku's natural form usually looks like that of another race. Remember that size modifiers effect AC, attack rolls, hide checks, carrying capacity, grappling, and damage from natural attacks/weapons of differing sizes.
Mazuko base speed is 30 ft
Etheral essence: Mazoku coexist on the material and etheral planes at the same time. Their natural attacks are considered ghost touch, and their natural armor bonuses apply against etheral attacks. Their senses extend onto the etheral plane. However this also renders them vulnerable to attacks from an etheral source. Effects that only target etheral creatures will affect them and they cannot walk through etheral solids.
Spell Resistence: 11 + 1 per level.

Domain I
Etheral Levitation
Domain II

Domain III, Special Ability
Dimension Door 1/day
Domain IV

Domain V, Dimension Door 1/hour
Special Ability
Domain VI, Damage Reduction 5/magic
Dimension Door 1/10 minutes
Domain VII
Damage Reduction 10/magic
Domain VIII, Dimension Door 1/minute, Special Ability

Domain IX Damage Reduction 15/magic
Dimension Door at will

Damage Reduction 20/etheral, Special Ability

Domains: The Mazoku can cast spells from the domains of chaos and destruction as a sorcerer of its Mazoku Level. It gains one spell slot per level, plus any bonus spells from a high charisma. It requires a charisma of 10 + the spell level in order to cast a spell, but it can still use a high level slot to cast a lower level spell. It gains an extra level of domain spells and an spell slot of the hightest level at every odd level until it gains a level 9 slot at level 17. The Mazoku does not need a divine focus for this ability, but any other components are required.

Etheral Levitation(ex): A Mazoku can use its etheral essence as an anchor, and hold itself in place, even if this means it is in mid air on the material plane. Mazuko do not have a fly speed, so they can only move either down by weakening this ability or via magical means. Mazoku are immune to falling damage unless they willingly let themselves plummet. This ability does not requiree concentration, or even conscious thought. Sleeping Mazoku may roll off a bed and hover in midair, and even a dead Mazoku's body may hang in the air where he fell. This ability does not affect bull rushes, but gives them a +4 circumstance bonus against trip attacks.

Dimension Door(Su): A Mazuko can use a dimension door like ability as a caster of the Mazuko's level. This is a supernatural ability, and is not effected by Globe of Invulnerability, has no components, and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It can still be stopped by an antimagic field and blocked by spells that bar extradimensional travel like Dimensional Anchor, provided they beat the Mazoku's spell resistance.

Damage Reduction: As a Mazoku grows in power its life force withdraws to the etheral plane. As a result, it can instantly heal attacks against its material form. This damage reduction does not apply against etheral attacks. At level 20 the damage reduction can only be bypassed by attacking the etheral form directly. Remember magic weapons without the ghost touch ability still have a 50% chance of hitting an etheral target.

Special Ability: At level 5, and every 5 levels therafter a Mazoku can gain a special ability from the list below.

Alternate Form(Su): The Mazoku has a second natural form up to 3 size categories larger than its natural form. This second form is always monsterous and is often used for combat. It gains natural attacks of a half fiend of the same size and has its physical abilities, armor class, and attack bonus modifiers of the new size. The Mazoku will gain gain hit points from the new con modifier, but these hit points go away when changing back. Both forms are considered natural, and therefore cannot be dispelled. Parts removed stay as they are and a dead Mazoku in alternate form does not revert back to its other form. Changing forms is a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Etheralness(Su): As a standard action, a Mazoku can become completely etheral, and remain in the etheral plane indefinately, and can return to it's normal form at will.

Fast teleport: The mazoku can use its dimension door ability as a move equivalent action, not a standard action.