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Class: Ranger Race: Wiggin Alignment: NG Level: 25 Size: Medium Age: 14 Gender: Female Height: 5'5" Weight: 101 lbs Eyes: Gold Hair: Blonde
Str 20, Dex 30, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10, Spd 30, Saves: Fort: 23, Ref: 24, Will: 16; hp 220, AC 30, Touch 21, Flat footed 19, Init +14, Atk: +37/+37/+32/+32/+25/+25/+22/+22 melee (Damage: 1D6+9/15-20 x2 vorpal short sword, 1D6+6/15-20 x2 vorpal short sword) or +34/+34/+34/+29/+29/+24/+24/+19/+19 ranged (Damage: 1D6+6/19-20 x2 +1 returning distance dagger, 1D6+3/19-20 x2 +1 returning distance dagger)

Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Armor Focus: Light, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Improved critical: Short sword, Weapon Finess: Short Sword, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Bane of Enemies, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Mounted Combat, Quick Draw

Balance +30, Climb +28, Hide +38, Jump +30, Listen +32, Move silently +48, Ride +38, Spot +30, Tumble +31, and Wilderness Lore +34

Favored Enemies:
Aberation +6
Magical Beast +5
Evil Outsider +4
Giant +3
Human +2
Dragon +1

Wiggin Abilities:
+2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Cha, -2 Int, Low light Vision, +2 to listen, +4 to wilderness lore, Speak with Animals at will with birds, Familiar (Raven, lvl 25 int 19, AC 27, hp 110, scry, spell resistance 30, share spells, improved evasion, speak with animals, empathic link, alertnes, familiar spell (freedom of movement), can speak Auran and common.)

Boots of swiftness (epic item 1)
+1 Unrestrictive mithral full plate "Soul Guarder" AL: NG, Int 9, Wis 19, Cha 19, Telepathic, Special abilities: Improved initiative, uncanny dodge, mobility. Spells: Fly and Heal at will
+4 keen vorpal short sword x2
gloves of arrow snaring
goggles of night
ring of universal elemental resistance minor
ring of freedom of movement
stone of good luck
immovable rod x5
9 +1 returning distance daggers
amulet of health +6
belt of giant strength +6
cloak of resistence +5
Heward's Handy Haversack
9 312 GP

Aremay, the deadly wiggin ranger (some call wiggin assassin) has yet to properly clear her name. While she stll strives to make the world a better place, her combat style of attacking from ambush and beheading foes does not sit well with most people, even those whose lives she saves. For every story of her saving a village from a monster, there's another of her slaughtering a bandit gang, sitting in the middle of the carnage, dripping in blood and gore, talking to the carrion birds. Her familiar being a black raven doesn't help.
Called to the halls of Valhalla by an unknown patron, Aremay now devotes herself to the irradication of evil, and has her work cut out for her.