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Class: Ranger Race: Wiggin Alignment: NG Level: 4 Size: Medium Age: 14 Gender: Female Height: 5'5" Weight: 101 lbs Eyes: Gold Hair: Blonde
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10, Spd 30, Saves: Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 1; hp 26, AC 18, Touch 13, Flat footed 15, Init 3, Atk: +4/+4 melee (Damage: 1D8+2 Longsword or warhammer/1D6+1 shortsword or hand axe), +6/+6 Ranged (Damage: 1D8+2 mighty composite longbow), or +3/+3/+3 Ranged (Damage: 1D6+2/1D6+2/1D6+1 hand axe).

Aremay is a ranger trained by the Sky People as part of a student exchange between them and the Windclimber Clan. She never mastered the sorcery skills of her clan but she took to ranger life with relative ease.

Aremay has inadvertently built up a (completely undeserved) reputation among the neighbouring peoples as a Sky Clan assassin and human slayer. Aremay's health mix of ignorance and righteousness don't help much either, and she views the local Amazon tribes as barbaric monsters. Aremay wandered far from her adopted home in the Sky Clan on a quest to help find the youngest daughter of their King. While searching for Princess Palladia, Aremay was ambushed and captured by an Amazon hunting party. The Amazons believed that Aremay was sent from the Sky Clan to attack them, while Aremay was trying to sneak into the Amazon camp. (She actually believed they might have kidnapped the princess, and was afraid they might be planning to eat her).

Aremay was rescued by a kind hearted monk named Kuyo, who set her free after hearing Aremay's side of the story ("Why are you tied up?" "To keep me from getting away while they try to decide how to cook me.") The amazons happily released Aremay into Kuyo's custody, provided he make sure she never enters their territory again. (They really had no intention of eating her.) Aremay has happily followed Kuyo since, but is still trying to track down every possible lead to Princess Palladia's whereabouts.

Aremay does seem to attact a lot of fan art for some reason. Here is a sample of the pictures my friends have given me.