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North Corner Gate

North Corner Gate

My Crimes

I hereby freely confess my crimes.

No devil will prevent me, for the followers of the Craft have never believed in such a being, however loudly our enemies may insist otherwise. Nor do my crimes bear much resemblance to those described in the lurid pages of the Witches' Hammer. I have changed no man into beast's shape. I have stolen no one's wits. I have conjured no tempests, nor have I copulated with an incubus or drunk the blood of any newborn child.

My crimes are of a different nature. Of them, I already stand convicted in the only court of consequence: that of my own heart.

Judge me as you will.

--Judith Hawkes
(The Heart of a Witch)

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Special thanks to Bernard for his hard work on the picture above.

Note: All of the pictures on this site are others own work. I do NOT claim any of these are mine. Any of the work that I do claim, is my own work and done by me. If you wish to take it, please ask me first.

Thank You,
Sita Azar Moonshine

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