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*Moon Baby's* Cosmic Home

Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

Hey, merry meet n' merry greet, kiddies! Introductions are in order I suppose...My name's Abbi. *Bow* Please, do hold your applause! You're too kind! Oh yeah...sorry...Anyway, I'm 19 years old and I *exist* in the good ol' COMMONWEALTH (notice too how we aren't a STATE...) of Virginia. Needless to say, I dream...A LOT! Hey baby...WHAT'S YA' SIGN? I'm a Capricorn, the fish-goat of the zodiac. Capricorn is in the 10th house of the zodiac and characteristically, Caps are the business oriented, ambitious, all work, no play sign. I, however, am a Leo Moon sign is Leo, which borders on polar opposite of Capricorn, makin' me one weird bird, lemme' tell ya'. I'm often moody and a bit pessimistic like my true Cap self, but I'm flamboyant as hell and like attention like a Leo...go figure! It's my excuse for bein' odd, ok?

Anyway, rambling I mentioned, I live in VA. Not just here, in the boone sticks in VA. Our largest, most happenin' attraction is WAL-MART, people. Please hold the fragile heart can't handle the ridicule today! Or not. There's not a lot to do here, so I make use of the 24 or so hours I'm given per day to:

A:'s my forte, what can I say?

B: I a bitch! Constantly, never stopping, except to do a bit of exhibit A there.

C: I watch Anime. Why do I do this? BECAUSE IT'S THE GREATEST THING ON THIS AZURE EARTH AND BECAUSE I CAN! Sorry, was that a bit overzealous...?

D: I go driving quite a bit. Sure, I've been unemployed for, oh, three weeks, and now I am damn broke, so what better pass time than running all the gas out of my car? Can't argue with THAT logic, now can you?

Now, I KNOW you're already envious of my oh-so-glamorous life, but please, take a deep breath and don't let it get to you! (Humor...gotta' love it...)

So, let's just do the statistics thing, shall we? 'Ok, well, doctor, you see, I have this thing with fairies and sprites...think I could be one? What do you MEAN *normal* people don't wear gossamer wings out in public? Are you serious? Wow...somethin' new everyday...' Yeah, I like doin' stuff like that, don't you? Nothin' makes the day like a pair of wings strapped to your back, or boppin' random passers by with a glittery little wand! Bodily injury could ensue, but who cares? IT'S FUN!

In addition to living outside the realm of reality, I enjoy and appreciate other things! I'm a fan of body peircing and tattoos...two of the former, none of the latter. My eyebrow and tongue are peirced and next on the list is the ol' nose. As for tattoos, I think they're beautiful, but right now I'm FAR too broke to get one. One day, I shall have the greatest Sailor Moon tattoo ever created on my body somewhere! Mwahahaha!! It must be something in the water, but I can't have a natural hair color at any time, either. Ritht now it's blazin' red and burgundy. It's been every color but green at one time or another...perhaps I have a hidden phobia of Swamp Thing to address...

News of the moment could include as follows: I'm going BACK to college (yes, I'm a procrastinating underacheiver and I dropped out last fall) to major in Computer Graphics and Internet Publishing for four years of my poor life. *Sniff* Hopefully I'll learn somethin'...if you hadn't noticed, I'm not exactly *adept* at this web page thing, but oh well, I don't care and neither do you! I flipped my car 2 minutes from my house on the last night of work on March 28th (the irony in my life leaves me speechless sometimes) and now I have a new car and a pronounced lack of funds to go along with it! GO ME! I'm single now, and I COULD tell you about my 'X' of four years (as in my entire high school life) but I don't feel like typing that much, and you don't have that much time on your hands. For lack of a better descriptive, I will give you but one summerizing syllable of my former significant other...DICK. That, lords and ladies, sums it up QUITE nicely, though I wish him the best of luck in future exploits, as long as he leaves me out of the plot...for I can do without... I'm going to see one of my favorite bands on May 2nd...Godsmack! I'm takin' my best amigo, who is new to the concert experience, so it should most definately be fun. Contact spinning...*faint*.

As for what I reccomend to you, the humble masses, I offer these suggestions to pass the time and fill the mind.

For your Anime needs, and soon to be obsessions:

First, the greatest Anime ever to exist...Sailor Moon. 5 seasons, 200 episodes, 3 specials and 3 movies to delight you for the rest of your days. Once you're through them, the first thing you will do is start over again (like me...sigh...) If you can resist the charms of Usagi and Mamoru, something is VERY out of whack in your cranium, my friend.

Hold on tight for Fushigi Yuugi! A couple boxed sets, a follow up, and an OVA series to keep you guessing and shouting and crying and cheering. This ranks 2nd on my list of favorite Anime. (Notice to how all of these are "Girl" in, they all revolve around ROMANCE...)Prepare to giggle and swoon over Miaka and Tamahome!

Next up is Ceres: Celestial Legend. This comes at ya' from the same creator of Fushigi Yuugi, and you can relate the two in more ways than one. This is a much shorter series, but still great. Lotsa' action for you annoying males while still tear-jerky enough for the stronger of the sexes!!! (Jus' playing...yins and yangs make the world go round...)Aya and Toya will have you ripping your hair out and lovin' it!

Last but NOT least...Inuyasha! It revoles around said named dog demon and reincarnated preistess Kagome, who have a most humerous relationship indeed. I haven't seen the whole series yet, but the bits I've seen have been really great! Action, adventure, feudal humor...what MORE do you want?

Here's the 5th season Sailor Moon crew. How well do you know YOUR Sailor Senshi?

You know, as much as they argue, Usagi and Chibi-usa really do love each other...and who could expect less from a momma and her little girl? Someone explain how a blond and an ebony locked man produce a child with pink hair...Hey, it's anime...there have been stranger things! In the 4th season of Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Moon relies on her daughter (ahem, of the future, that is...Usagi's only 15 in the present, for chripe's sake)Super Sailor Chibi Moon to call upon her bud Pegasus to help them save everyone's butt from the Dead Moon clan. Shortly after, the two transform into their princes forms in order to make use of the Golden crystal to save the Earth from the dark queen Nephrenia. Quite the pair they make, wouldn't you agree?

Because Sailor Moon is my favorite thing EVER, I'll let ya' in on why. The series was created by a wonderful goddess named Naoko Takeuchi. From her hands and imagination came 18 volumes of manga (all of which I own...did ya' have to ask?) and that led to the production of the amime that's known round' the Earth. The entire concept of Sailor Moon revolves around the love between the main two characters, Usagi Tsukino and Mamoru Chiba. These two are the reincarnated beings of Princess Serenity of the Moon and Prince Endymion of the Earth, who were lovers a thousand years before. Endymion was betrayed by a jealous woman named Beryl, who wanted him for herself. She led a revolt against the Moon kindom, claiming they were out to overthrow the Earth. Endymion fought to protect Serenity, but was killed in the process. In a fit of grief, Serenity killed herself, not wanting to be seperated from her one true love. Serenity's mother sent her daughter, Endymion, and her daughter's court back to Earth to be reborn, so that they would again have a chance to live a *normal* life. But, evil reared it's ugly head again, in the form of the same evil being that started the entire mess before. Serenity had been reborn as the average girl, pretty but completely lacking in self confidence. She meets Mamoru, sparks fly (as much resitance as is involved...) and so the tale begins. I won't tell ya' must read and watch if you wanna' know! All I can tell you, is that every couple should be like this one...Here they are with the other inner Senshi, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and their pink headed daughter, Chibi-usa. Aren't they cute?

You know something? No? Ok, punk...I'll tell ya'! There are 10 Sailor Senshi:

Sailor Moon We all know her as Tsukino Usagi, Serena, Princess Serenity, and one day, Neo-Queen Serenity. As the anime goes, she's the first discovered by Luna, her guardian kitty and advisor. So she can be a bit of a crybaby and she has 0 self esteem, but eventually, she learns to take control when she's gotta'. Usagi goes through many a transformation, and her many personas include Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Moon and Eternal Sailor Moon. In the manga version, she also has another form, Sailor Cosmos. Usagi's my favorite (duh, she's childish and aloof like me!) and her favorite color is pink. She's a Cancer, born on June 30th, her blood type is O, she hates carrots and digs on some sweets (smart chic...) Usagi is terrified of thuder storms (wonder how she and Makoto get along so well?) and dentists. She bombs in Math (hey, I can relate!) and English, but she blows away the competition in Home Economics, considering that her dream is to grow up and marry Mamoru-san! Yep, he's her dashing boy toy, who rushes in to save her tail in times of dire need. Man, we all need a dude like Mamoru! Usagi's powers of love and caring are the most powerful forces ever, and they end up saving her and her comrades more than once. I admire Usa's character because of her ability to care for others without asking for anything in return. I wanna' be that sweet and caring!

So, I'm not goin' in any real order here...just by my favorites, I suppose. Next, I give you Sailor Jupiter. Kino Makoto, aka Lita, is the Senshi of Thunder and Lightning. She's the strongest inner scout, and is the opposite of Ami because she relies soley on her brute strength in battle. Mako was born on December 5th, and she's a Saggitarius that digs cherry pie and meatloaf. Her blood type's O, she despises physics and she lives alone because her parents were killed in an airplane crash. I love Makoto because even though she's a tom boy and kicks butt all over the place, inside she's a real sweetheart. Her passions are baking and gardening and cleaning despite her strength as a warrior. She dreams of opening a bakery and a flower shop some day, and every guy alive reminds her of her old boyfriend. Makoto always has faith in Usagi, and they never fight. Makoto will almost never ask for help, though she knows her friends will always be there for her. One particular episode makes me cheer for Makoto...Mamoru was majorly pickin' on Usagi, and Makoto woman-handled him and choked the crap out of him without knowin' her own kinda' chic!I laughed till I cried! Anyway, she moves on from such attacks as Supreme Thunder and Sparkling Wide Pressure to Oak Evolution, which is AWESOME!

Also high on my list is Sailor Mercury, Senshi of Water and Ice. Mizuno Ami, or Amy, born on September 10th, is a Virgo with a blood type of A. Math is this girls thang', and she likes sandwhiches because she can eat them WHILE STUDYING! Go figure...she's more dedicated than me! She's the brain child and strategist of the girls, and I dig her cause' she gets NO RESPECT! I mean come on, people! If you don't have a plan, how are you gonna' win the damn battle, huh? Um, ur' not gonna'! Amy is a study hog, never doing anything but studying. Usagi rolls in to loosen her goose up a bit. She likes to play chess to test her mind, and she's a phenominal swimmer. Amy wants to be a doctor like her mom so she can help people...Ami's SO SWEET! Come on, know you love her too! Ami gets out of tough spots by using Shabon Spray, Shine Aqua Illusion, and Aqua Rhapsody.

Comin' at ya' next is Hino Rei, or Raye, Sailor Mars , Senshi of Fire. Rei's a proper chic, hot tempered and extremely opinionated. Born on April 17th, her blood type is AB, she can chow down on some thai food, and she gags when she sees asparagus. She is perhaps closest to Serena of all the other senshi...just witness on of their fights and see for yourself! Tongue wars between those two are frequent and pretty hysterical to boot. Rei's also a preistess at the Hikawa Shrine that she helps run with her grampa (who's a damn ecchi, people, I mean, have you WATCHED where he puts his hands?) Anyway, Rei is greatly in tune with the spiritual forces in the world, and she does many a fire reading to aid herself and the others from time to time. She can use her psychic abilities even when she isn't transformed, and she does this really cool move in which she chants: 'Rin, pyou, tou, sha, kai, jin, retsu, sai, zen. Akuryou taisan!' All that (very roughly) means 'Evil Spirits, Begone!' When she is in Senshi form, however, she tends to use Burning Mandala, Fire Soul and Flame Sniper to toast hoards of baddies. Rei likes to sing, but ultimately wants to become the head preistess of a temple one day. Hey, and she's an did we know, huh?

Last of the Inner Senshi to arrive is Aino Minako, or Mina, Sailor Venus aka Sailor V . She's the senshi of Love. Born a Libra on October 22nd with a blood type of B, the outgoing Minako arrives from London, where she was famous as the crime fighting heroine Sailor V (who happens to be Usagi's idol and favorite video game character and also what the original Sailor Moon was based around in the first place!) Minako and Usagi could pass as twins, as was shone in the S episodes Usagi in Tears: Glass Shoes for Her Birtday, and The Pure Heart Stolen! Usagi's Biggest Crisis! Here, Minako used the Disguise Pen to pose as Sailor Moon so Usagi's identity wouldn't be found out. IT WAS GREAT! Minako took advantage of the situation and managed to throw a few stabs at our dear sweet Usa, who wasn't very excited by the whole idea. Anyway, more confusion sets in as in the manga, Minako was the leader of the Senshi, while in the DIC dub, that title went to Usagi...and Rei wanted the job the whole time...go figure! Just as Luna is Usagi's guardian, Luna's mate Artemis is the same for Minako. Her dream is to be an idol one day...model, actress, long as she's in the public eye. She's rather fond of P.E. in school, ramen noodles, the colors red and yellow, and wasting time. Her bubbly personality is her best quality, and she's got some sweet moves like Crescent Beam, Love Me Chain, and Love and Beauty Shock.

The scout smallest in stature and proud to call Usagi "Momma" (well, sometimes, ok?) is Sailor Chibi Moon, Chibi-usa (little rabbit), and Small Lady Serenity. Daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and Neo-King Endymion (Usagi and Mamoru, people...if you haven't caught on by now, I can assist you no longer...), her birthday is June 30th (like momma), her favorite color is red, and she loves to draw. For the entire 1st season, there is no sign of her, but she falls right in (literally, as in from the sky, and on Usagi's head when she and Mamoru are attempting to enjoy an intimate moment in the park) and makes herself at home. Little Chibi-usa manages to get herself into some pretty tough situations, constantly fights with Usagi (usually over Mamoru's attention) and this girl is on a mission! She came back in time from her home in 30th century Crystal Tokyo (that's the kingdom Usa and Mamo build together) to find Sailor Moon so she can help her mom (who is Usagi...*eyes cross, sweat drop appears*). ANYWAY, she goes back and forth through time quite a bit with her time key, and after the future is secured, Neo-Queen Serenity sends her back to the past again to train as a Senshi. Pink Sugar Heart Attack is her strongest defensive, but it only works when it feels like it. She also uses Twinkle Yell to summon Pegasus in season 4. All in all, Chibi-usa's a cutie, though an annoying one at times. But hey...nobody's perfect!

The first of the Outer Senshi I'll introduce you to is Tenou Haruka, or Amara, who is Sailor Uranus, Senshi of Wind. Ok, now before all you homophobic jerks out there go gettin' all this and that here, I'll tell you that Haruka is one of two lesbian Senshi, and if you don't like it, then why, pray tell, ARE YOU HERE? Ahem...She's a tom boy who races cars and prefers to wear the guy's uniform to school, and she's about as tough and stoic as they come. It's an odd sort of thing I'm about to explain...ya' see, there's sort of a love do-decagon that goes on in the Sailor Moon universe. Haruka is totally enthralled with Michiru, don't get me wrong...but she's got a soft spot for Usagi that jus' won't go away. It seems like everybody has it bad for Usa, and who can blame them? She's jus' too sweet for her own damn good! Haruka rather enjoys flirting, namely with Usa, who plays it off as a joke (when maybe it really isn't...). Haruka's an Aquarius, born on January 27th. Her blood type is B and she digs track and field, salad, and dispises fermented soybeans. Her partner in life and other follies is Michiru, and they cannot and will not be seperated. Period. End of story. Uranus is extremely strong, using World Shaking and Space Sword Blaster to totally blow anyone away that messes with her, Michiru, or her princess Serenity, whom she's very protective over indeed.

The graceful and lady like Kaiou Michiru, or Michelle, is Sailor Neptune, senshi of the Sea. She is known as the polar opposite of Usagi, and she looks up to Michiru for her grace. Michiru is partner in all things to Haruka, enjoys painting, and dreams of being a violinist. She's a Pisces, born on March 6th, blood type O (like Usa) and she's an excellent swimmer (enjoying competition with Ami). Michiru rather likes the color aqua, which matches her hair, and she always displays a cool collectiveness and absolute feminine grace, which compliments Haruka's boyishness wonderfully. Michiru posesses a mirror which aids her in battles, and she uses Deep Submerge and Aqua Mirror Reflector to defeat all enemies that dare to show face. Michiru finds Usagi to be adorable, and she never relents when it comes to completing missions.

One of the most mysterious Senshi is Meiou Setsuna, or Trista, Sailor Pluto, Senshi of Revolution and Guardian of the Time Gate. She's a solitary soldier, only leaving her post in extreme cases. Setsuna is a Scorpio, born on October 29th. She likes the color of crimson, her blood type is A, and she wants to become a desinger one day. Setsuna dispises cockroaches, and has a talent for sewing, of all things. She watches over the other Senshi from afar, unless the situation is dire, in which she joins them. Sailor Pluto has very powerful attacks, including Dead Scream and Dark Dome Close.

Last but not least, the fragile but deadly Tomoe Hotaru, Sailor Saturn, Senshi of Destruction and Rebirth. Saturn is only called upon when nothing else will do, when there is no other way. She carries the Silence Glaive, which when dropped, destroys worlds so that they may begin anew. Hotaru was born on January 6th, making her a Capricorn. Her blood type's AB, she digs noodles, hates milk, and dreams to be nurse one day, since she has the power to heal. Hotaru and Chibi-usa are best friends, though very different. Usagi showed Hotaru kindness, and it touched her deeply. She had no friends before Chibi-usa, and lived with her father. After being reborn, Hotaru was raised by the other three Outer Senshi untill her powers were needed again. Her favorite color is purple and she collects lamps. Her powerful attacks are Silence Glaive Surprise and Silence Wall.

br>Not exactly a chic in a short skirt, but still a very important dude, Chiba Mamoru, Darien Shields, Prince Endymion, Tsukino no Knight, Neo-King Endymion...Tuxedo Kamen to the rescue! This is Usagi's one and only, the object of her affection and her biggest weakness, which believe you me...the baddies have used to full extent to get to her. Mamoru's a serious type of guy...makes you wonder how he and Usa click so perfectly the way they do. Their relationship is hilarious as it forms...constant fights and rude ass comments and cute pet names. In the beginning, he's Mamoru-baka...roughly, 'You IDIOT, Mamoru!' and she's the Odango Atama, or 'Meatball Head' as he affectionately calls her. From her wacky hair to her tardiness to her failing grades, he spares nothing when it comes to teasing her until she turns red in the face and explodes on him. The manga is much different, with their relationship never faltering, and Mamoru being portrayed as the perfect boyfriend. The anime, though, will not give them peace. They get split up about 20 times due to nightmares, memory loss, evil conversion, long distance travel, and about every other dumb ass thing in existence. Along the way, they figure out each other's real identities and settle in as a couple. He saves her, she saves's a good deal actually. Mamoru is the emotional support of Usagi, or Usako (my little rabbit) as he calls her. Together they share a great power, and though he may be a bit stuffy at times, Usagi takes care of it without batting a lash. Mamoru lost his parents to a car crash when he was six, he himself being the only survivor. He lived in a foster home until he found a job, and he works hard to get far in life. He likes physics and wants to be a doctor or scientist. Tuxie's a Leo, born on August 3rd, blood type A, with a passion for chocolate. His favorite color is black (which, as we all know...he looks QUITE dashing in...) and he lives alone in a swank apartment that Usa frequents whenever possible. He drives a sports car and owns a motorcycle and most chics in Tokyo swoon when he walks by. Usa's very possessive over her golden boy, and it's pretty funny when he offends her, cuz' tears ensue and he begs...

Endy're DROOLING again...

"Oh, gods! I don't know what it is, but hurry up, cuz' it's gonna' catch us! Usa, what are you...YAAAAAHHHHH!" Last famous words of Rei-chan, as Usa-chan is bein' herself today, and is about to uncerimoniously take everybody out!

You see! Even Usa and Rei-chan can be civil every now and again! And you thought I was sniffin' too much glue!

Guess what? I have an opinion about music, too! Now, I'm a rock chic at heart...can't deny it! Alice in Chains got me started, and now Godsmack puts me in a pretty damn good mood, too. I saw Godsmack in concert and it blew me away, so I'm goin' again, me children! Here's a shot of the 'Smack boys lookin' pretty cool. Go check out their new CD Faceless. The last track's called "Serenity" and it kinda' has special meaning to me because of...duh, Sailor Moon being Serenity! Another cool thing about the band is that Mr. Sully Erna is a practicing Wiccan...which earns much respect from this little heathen chic! However, my musical tastes are a bit more diverse. My other passion is Lacuna Coil, an Italian "metal" band. Imagine this: 2 singers, one soprano female, one growling male, lots of loud guitars, and thrashin' drums. All this=BEAUTIFUL! I promise that disappointment will not be an issue after listening to this band! If you do check them out, Stars, Swamped, Hyperfast, Tight Rope, and Circle are great songs. And, if this leads to your listening pleasure, check out Evanescence, too and compare and contrast! They kick ass too, people, can I don't lie!

Wicca is a pre-Christian, Earth based religion that focuses on harnessing and using positive energy to achieve great things. Wiccans are very animal and Earth friendly and also share a deep respect for their fellow humans as well. Wiccans believe in a dual-deity...Female and Male. Unlike monotheistic religons that view the single "Creator" as being male, Wicca holds both male and female essences to be equally valuable. Members of this religion do not oppress women, or persecute others with different beliefs than themselves. There is no "Satan" absolute evil entity recognized within the Wiccan belief system, as he was a creation of Christianity to frighten pagans into becoming Christian when this religion was born.

Unlike some other religions that feel your actions are irrelevant as long as you are "forgiven" for "sinning", Wiccans believe that your actions determine your placement in your next life. Yes, reincarnation is a belief of Wicca. There is no "Heaven" or "Hell" but something like a crossroads where spirits wait to be reborn to the Earth. This is known as the Summerland.

The basic crede of Wicca is "And Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will". Wiccans live by this, believing in the Three Fold Law. That is, whatever energy you send out, positive or negative, will come back to you three fold. This is the ethical code of Wicca. There is no method of scaring people into believing or making them feel guilty or unworthy. There are no preachers or prophets, and it is always assumed that one is drawn to Wicca by there own heart, and not someone else.

So, how is it I know all this? I've been a Wiccan since I was fourteen. The beliefs I already held matched closely with those of the Wiccan religion, so I felt it was the best one for me. We aren't a cult, we don't sacrifice things and we don't brainwash people. Wiccans are just like anyone else...we just want to live life our own way, as we see fit. I can't explain why Wiccans are still put down so much. We go to great lengths to explain our beliefs in detail when anyone asks about them. It's not as though we do things we're ashamed of and are, therefore, afraid to discuss them. All I know is that I would NEVER force my beliefs upon anyone else or try to convince them that their beliefs are wrong.

So, what else does Wicca entail, you wonder? Well, as I said, we have no prophets, and I don't wish to be one either, but I can kindly relay me experiences. HERE'S ME GIVIN' MY LITTLE OPINION on a few things. I don't claim to speak for any other Wiccans, because as you all know, no two people in any given group think exactly, here's what I think:

The way I look at it, as long as a person is happy, and no one is being hurt (unless they WANT to be...must stick that in her for S+M fans I suppose...) I could care less how a person lives their life. Many people have such issues with stupid things, such as alternative sexuality, body modification, dress, and religious beliefs. WHO BLOODY CARES? I myself have a good list of things more important to worry about than what sex someone chooses to fornicate with, or what someone looks like. The world is made up of so many different people, and it's beautiful to me. Everyone is in a minority group in some way or another, whether they realize it or not, and I'm SO proud to admit it myself. I am most definately not a fan of conformity in any way. I believe that people should have fun and learn as much as possible from experiencing different things with different 'types' of people. I'm also not a fan of destructive (self or otherwise) behavior, as I've been down that road before myself. No good can come from intentionally hurting someone else in my eyes.

I cannot stand being looked down upon by others because of certain things about me, because I give everyone else that respect, whether they deserve it or not. I live, and I let live, because I have nothing to gain from depriving another creature of the right to live their life as they deem fit. Hmm, I sense another tangent coming on...

Something else I practice but do not preach in Vegetarianism. I stopped eating beef about 2 years ago, because whenever I happened to be driving down the road and I'd pass a cattle truck, I'd see those poor animals and they were so sad I would cry. I determined then that it wasn't fair, so I gave up McDonald's soon after. I never ate pork, cause' it was gross, and chicken came next, followed lastly by seafood, which I used to ADORE! But, I'm happier now, and I feel good about the decision. I don't try to 'convert' anyone else to Veg, but I'm not afraid to talk about it, even though I get ragged over it like hell. Hey, I could be worse,ya' know! I also have this thing about animal burns me up. I don't buy certain brands of things because they Cover Girl,Max Factor, and even freakin' Pringles...did you know that? I felt so betrayed! But, Revlon, Almay, Jane, Bonne Bell and St. Ives are G-R-E-A-T! They don't test, so why do other companies have to? Hmm, I bet THEY don't know, either...

Gee, could it possibly be that I'm all done rambling? Impossible! I've only just begun, my doubtful friends! You haven't seen the half of it yet! But until you do, find a beautiful thing, look with an open mind and heart! Peace + Love!

*Moon Baby*

Ok, here's the not-so-fine print...THE DISCLAIMER: I do not own Sailor Moon, people! All characters, likenesses and images are owned by Naoko Takeuchi. All other characters on this page are also not owned by me, and are owned by all their respective creators and companies...I'm just an admirer! So, no one sue me, cuz' I ain't makin' one red cent from this, I'm broke, so that would kinda' suck for ya'!