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Earthdawn game Page

This is a 3.5 Edition D&D game that is being played in a modified version of Fasa's Earthdawn setting. The world is one of mystery and adventure, because the people of the land have been buried away for hundreds of years, deep within the earth. Now, as the great evils, that once drove them below ground, begin to move on, they arise to retake their world. However, it is not a land that they now well know, and it is full of many suprises.

It has now been nearly a decade since the first few brave souls staggered from their underground cities. Lands have been claimed and much has been rebuilt, but many see war on the horizon, as the kingdom of Thera is slowly tightening its grip on the land. Rumors have it that an heir has laid claim to the dwarven Kingdom, but no one knows who or where he is...


Map and land Info
PC Information
NPC Information
Racial Information
House Rules for the game
