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ack? how long have i been gone? i am just so lazy when it comes to updating! but it's basically because i have nothing to say, because well, as you've all guessed, i'm a mega bore! college is super fun, i'm absolutely loving it (wow that's one sentence i thought i'd never get to say! haha!) i'll see if i can find some pics to put on the picture page, but it's a bit hard when i don't have a scanner (i have some pics from the top of a mountain, and me, benny and gry wearing bikinis in an icy cold river, but i'll save you from the last ones!) so anyway for those of you who don't know i've changed my email, and there's probably a reason why u don't have it ;) love u all!

mega super hugs, squizz

about me

if you need me, e- mail me, or simply leave me a message on my forum!

copyright to webmistress squizzay unless otherwise stated - 2001