The Baguette Gazette
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Third Quarter- VOLUME 1
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Asking for Food in Neopia Central
Book Review: The Moon And The Sun
Dung Vs. Snow
Dung vs. Snow: A Rebutal
Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie
Sensational Seasonal Short Story Soiree...
Sensational Seasonal Short Story Soiree...
Sensational Season Short Story Soiree....
Single Item Collecting Addiction...
The Glowing Jelly Story
Tanulela's Guide: Facing The Facts and Food
The Rhyming Story: Naughty or Nice?
The Truth of Adam's Obsession
Survival Tips for Christmas
Comic by Lady Mercury


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Gazette Classifieds


Editor In Chief:
Tchaiki and Volpyne

Danuatu and Lisaz1a




We have openings for:


If you are interested in becoming a regular writer for the Baguette Gazette, given assingments and/or participating on our Baguette Planning website, all you need do is apply!


If your grammar is the picture of perfection and you are willing to learn, or better still already know some basic HTML, you might like to help out at the Gazette as an editor!


Don't underestimate the value of a contribution. Short stories, comics, articles, poems, artwork, even ads (shop, gallery, etc) ~ chances are we will use it. As a contributor, you will be listed as one of the writers for the issue; you can submit your work in any format and we will code it! Moreover, we will be eternally grateful!

Any inquiries, submissions and applications can be Neomailed or E-mailed to the Editor in Chief.
Applications can also be sent through this form.


Neopets News
Pink Poogle Toy
The Neopian Educator
Neo Commentary
Neo News Now
Nothing But Neopets
Soup Faerie

Naughty or Nice?

Yes, once again it was that time of year!
The time for Chokato Neggnog, holly and cheer
Neopia was lit with bright twinkling lights
As the faeries pranced around blessing everyone in sight!

You could hear the holiday joy and the bells loudly ringing,
And what a beautiful site to see everyone happily singing!
You could even hear King Snarl give it out belly laughter
As a trembling Aisha walked by and said, “ Oh my what’s the matter?”
“Oh dear what big teeth” she thought filled with fear
There sat the grumpy old king smiling from ear to ear
Ole King Snarl seemed different on this very day
You see, he’d seen the joy in others and he wanted to feel the same way
“Come here my little friend and don’t be afraid
I’m filled with such joy, too bad it will soon fade.”

The trembling Aisha walked in wanting to give him a gift
But she wouldn’t dare tell joke! Her humor is not quite that swift!

Joy in the little Aisha eyes, is all King Snarl could see
He was filled with such joy he jumped up with glee!
Come here! Come HERE! I have something for you!
The Ole Grump handed her a nerkmid and a Fruity Fondue!

This Aisha couldn’t believe what she just saw
She wanted her friend Lupe and Bruce to witness it all!

Aisha looked into her vault at her stash of inventory
She came across some dirty shoes, a negg, and the book A  Special Christmas Story;
Out went the shoes and the negg she kept to herself,
But the book she placed nicely on his dusty shelf

Around the corner came a few of her friends!
When they arrived the joy went on and the giving didn’t end!

The Party grew bigger and bigger and became the biggest event!
King Snarl decided to give to all, and to all he gave who ever came and went

So you see, you never know who can turn from naughty to nice!
Maybe King Snarl won’t go back to his ways, just maybe he’ll think twice!

Welcome one and all to the Guild of Booklovers Baguette Gazette! VP, aka, Volpyne, your Interim Editor In Chief here. I just wanted to say thank you to Tchaiki, who has been a big help getting me through this first stint as a newsletter editor. And also to Danuatu, who has been a huge help with the layout and coding. And a giant THANK YOU to all those who contributed. You know who you are and I'm very thankful for all the contributions.

So, what can you expect to see in this issue of the Gazette? Lots of festive silliness, that's for sure. We have a recipe, a book review, a rhyming story, a comic and several articles and stories which will certainly put you in the holiday spirit.

Thank you to the Guild and the Council for their support. Here's hoping our muses are kind to us in future Gazette endeavours. Look for the first Baguette Gazette edition for 2006 in March!

Your Interim Editor in Cheif,


The Ogrins and Xweetox are the news members of the neopet family.


Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ~Norman Vincent Peale

The Council Liaison and Master Welcomer are next in the election queue!

The position of Activities Director will be up for grabs come March!

If you are interested in our guild council elections, visit the Elections Page for more details.


    The month of Awakening

  • Feb 3rd - Zafara Day
  • Feb 4th - Jhudora Day
  • Feb 12th - Lenny Festival (Lenny Day)
  • Feb 14th - Valentine's Day
  • Feb 18th - Chocolate Chia Day (Chia Day)
  • Feb 21st - Tonu Day
  • Feb 22nd - Mynci Day

    The month of Running

  • March - Gadgadsbogen - The Mystery Island festival of fruit!
  • Mar 2nd - Uni Day
  • Mar 3rd - Cancelled due to lack of interest
  • Mar 6th - Gelert Day
  • Mar 14th - Scorchio Day
  • Mar 17th - Illusen Day
  • Mar 22nd - Chomby Carnival (Chomby Day)

    The month of Eating

  • April 1st - April Fool's Day
  • April 2nd - Shoyru Day
  • April 14th - Grey Day
  • April 16th - Krawk Day
  • April 22nd - Kougra Day
  • April 27th - Cybunny Carnival (Cybunny Day)
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